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ADO and MSHFlexgrid and MonthView contro

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This code demonstrate how to connect to database (Patients97) using ADO code alone. I also demonstrate using the MonthView control and MSHFlexgrid control. The database called Patients97 contains customer details like name , address, customer number etc and appointment date and time. On the form, I have an MSHFlexgrid control, a MonthView control and a command button(cmdViewAppt). Clicking the command button connects to the database using ADO code and the details are displayed on the MSHFlexgrid control. You can display appointments for a particular date by clicking on a date on the MonthView control (MonthView1_DateClick event) and the result is displayed on the MSHFlexgrid control. I have not figured out how to create a report yet. What I'll like to do is to be able to pull the information on the MSHFlexgrid control and display it as a report which can be viewed and printed.Preferably I'll like to use the data report designer but I won't mind using excel or word or is there a way to use DataEnvironment designer? Please e-mail me any improvements or additions at

Original Author: unknown


References: Please make references to ADO 2.1 or 2.5
The database name is Patients97 and path is C:My documentsPatients.mdb97 and it has been created with Access 97, Please change path accordingly if you saved the zip file somewhere else.

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 107 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 52,340 bytes

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