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Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Authenticate(project1.vbp) and Authenticate Generator(AuthenticateGenerator.vbp)
separate projects.
I have seen many types of encryption protection, password protection programs to
defeat the end users attempts at getting your software for free. One major problem with this
type of protection is that users can copy and distribute to whomever they please. I created
this program to overcome this problem. Authenticate requires to end user to call for an
authentication number. (Note: This could be accomplished on the internet also if you have an
internet site.) Once the user calls they give you a 20 character string which you type into
the authentication generator, which in turn gives you a 20 character authentication string
to provide the user. The user then enters that authentication number and he is registered.
This number will only be valid for that particular computer. How does the program do this
you ask? First the program reads the Serial Number from the hard drive. When a hard drive is
formatted the operating system saves a random 32 bit number onto the disk as a serial
number. This makes the serial number unique, or unique enough to prevent the software
which you worked so hard to create from being distributed illegally. The program
encrypts this serial number with 5 sophisticated algorithms.
Any questions will be answered promptly. Don't forget to rate this program. All feedback welcome.

Original Author: Mark Duhaime

API Declarations

Declared in files.

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 91 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 10,311 bytes

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