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Ms Agent - Beyond the Basics

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is my fifth tutorial on Ms Agent. In this tutorial I went beyond the basics, so even advanced VB coders will be able to use some of this code. This tutorial is VERY EXTENSIVE, but beginners never fear - as this tutorial is based on my other acclaimed tutorials for beginners, you will be able to understand this tutorial with ease.

Original Author: Mahangu



Ms Agent -
Beyond the Basics 



This is my fifth tutorial on Ms Agent. In
this tutorial I went beyond the basics, so even advanced VB coders will be able
to use some of this code. This tutorial is VERY EXTENSIVE, but beginners never
fear - as this tutorial is based on my other acclaimed tutorials for beginners,
you will be able to understand this tutorial with ease.


Understanding this tutorial

Through out this tutorial you
will see text like this - italic text and
italic text
The normal italic
means that the text is code and can be copied and pasted straight into
your application. The
green italic
means that the text is a
comment (you will often see this type of text beside code) that was place to
show you how to do something or to give you an example.



Getting Started
- Provides all the data you need to jump start your Agent application

Declaring the Character
- Shows how to declare the
Character file for use in VB

Initializing the
- Shows how to initialize the Character file

Displaying Various
Shows how to get the Character to display
various animations

Using Ms Agent With
VB Script
- Shows you how to use Ms Agent with VB Script

Events and
Properties of the Agent Control
- Describes the Events and
Properties of the Agent Control

Fun Agent Code to Add to
your Applications
- Gives some cool code which makes the Character
do some fun things

Examples of
How  you can use the Agent Control
- Gives some ideas as to
how you can use the Agent Control

Frequently Asked
- Various related questions and their answers.




Getting Started

In order to use this tutorial you will need
Microsoft Visual Basic 5 or 6 (parts of this tutorial may work in VB 4 if you
have Agent 1.5 installed). You will also need the Speech Synthesis libraries
from MSDN along with a Microsoft Agent Character File (*.acs file). 

MS Agent is an ActiveX
control supplied with Microsoft Visual Basic 5 and 6. It can be used in many
other ways but the most popular use is for creating 'Desktop Pets'. At the
moment there are 4 different characters to chose from - Peedy the Parrot, The
Genie, Merlin the Wizard and Robby the Robot. In this tutorial I have used
Peedy the Parrot as an example.

To start making your first
Microsoft Agent application, open Visual Basic and chose standard exe. Then
right click the toolbar and add the the Microsoft Agent Control. You will see a
new Icon (it looks like a secret agent with sunglasses). Then
double click on the icon on the toolbar to place the control on the form. You
can rename this control  to whatever you want but in the code I'm going to
call it Agent1.



Declaring the Character

We need to to tell VB that we
are using the character file so we need add the following code to the general

Dim char As IAgentCtlCharacterEx 'Declare
the String char as the Character file

Dim Anim as String 'Dim
the Anim string which we will use later on (declaring this will make it easy for
us to change the character with ease, later on)

Char.LanguageID = &H409
'This code is optional. The code
worked fine without it but we will add it for usability purposes (it sets the
language ID to English)


Initializing the

We need to tell VB, who the character is and
where his *.acs file is. So we'll use the following code.

Anim = "Peedy"    'We
set the Anim String to "Peedy" . You can set this to Genie, or Merlin,
or Robby too.

Agent1.Characters.Load Anim, Anim & ".acs"   
'This is how we tell VB where to find the character's acs
file. VB by default looks in the C:WindowsMsAgentChars
folder for the character file

Set char = Agent1.Characters(Anim)      
'Remember we declared the char string earlier? Now we set
char to equal Agent1.Charachters property. Note that the because we used the
Anim string we can now change the character by changing only one line of code.

char.AutoPopupMenu = False 'So
the Character wont keep displaying it's annoying popup menu every time you right
click him. You can now add your own popup menu (see examples).

Char.Show 'Shows the
Character File (If set to "Peedy" he comes flying out of the


Getting to Know
The Different Characters

As far as I know, there are 4 different
characters you can use with Ms Agent. You can download them all from the Ms
Agent Developers Website (
). Although you can configure each character to your own liking, they tend to
convey different types of impressions. 

Peedy -
The first agent character (I think). He is a temperamental parrot (that's the
way I see him). I use him mostly to add sarcasm to my apps. Has an (sort of)
annoying voice - squeaky in parroty sort of way. You use him to some cool stuff


Genie -
Cool little guy to add to your apps. Can do some neat stuff too! Use him to add
a touch of class and mystery to your apps. Has an OK voice and has a cool way of
moving around.


Merlin -
Your neighborhood Wizard! Always has the look that he is total control. Also has
a vague look of incomprehension (that's the way I see it!). Useful little dude
but I don't like the way he moves around (wears beanie and flies).


Robby -
Probably the newest addition to the series. Never got down to downloading him
but I hear that he is an Robot / Monkey?? 


What? You don't like any of
these characters? Wanna create you're own? It's not easy.. but you can give it a
shot... Just visit the MSDN page for Ms Agent (check FAQs for web


Displaying Various

Through code, we can make the character do
some cool stuff. Apart from talking he can do various
interesting things. The following code may be pasted into any event in VB (Form_Load,


Showing the Character

This code is used to bring
the character on to the screen.


Hiding the Character

This code is used to hide the
character (take him off the screen).



Making Him Talk

The code for this is
relatively simple and this works with every character.
can customize this code for him to say anything. The text appears in a speech
bubble but can also be heard.

Char.Speak "Your
Message Here"
'Says "Your
Message Here"


Making Him Think

The code for this is
relatively simple and this works with every character. You
can customize this code and make him think of anything. The text appears in a
thought bubble and cannot be heard.

Char.Think "Your
Message Here"
' "Your
message here" appears in a though bubble




Making Him Move To
Somewhere Else On The Screen

This code too is pretty
simple and works on every character. You can move him anywhere on the screen be
changing the co ordinates. Please note that screen co ordinates vary from
resolution to resolution. For example on a 640 x 480 resolution monitor 300,500
is off the screen wile on a 800 x 600 monitor the co ordinates are on the

char.MoveTo 300, 300
'This code will move him to the screen co ordinates

Also note that in the code 300,300 we
are referring to the screen as x , y (horizontal , vertical).


Making Him Stay In His
Rest Pose

This code brings him back to
the way he was started "Restpose"
'Note - To get out of the rest pose
you will have to use the char.stop function (see below)


Making Him Stop Whatever
He Is Doing

Sometimes you may need to stop the Character
from doing something. This code makes him stop everything and wait.

char.stop 'Character
stops whatever he is doing


Making Him Read, Write,
Process and Search

The character can various animations that may
prove useful in your applications. 

char.Play "Write" 'The
character writes for a while and then stops

char.Play "Writing" 'The
character writes until the char.stop function is executed

char.Play "Read" 'The
character reads for a while and then stops

char.Play "Reading" 'The
character reads until the char.stop function is executed

char.Play "Process" 'The
character processes for a while and then stops

char.Play "Processing" 'The
character processes until the char.stop function is executed

char.Play "Search" 'The
character searches for a while and then stops

char.Play "Searching" 'The
character searches until the char.stop function is executed


Making Him Show Facial

The character can show various facial
expressions that may be useful in your application. "Acknowledge" 'This
code makes the character acknowledge something "Alert" 'This
code makes the character look alert "Blink" 'This
code makes the character blink "Confused" 'This
code makes the character look confused "Decline" 'This
code makes the character decline something "DontRecognize" 'This
code makes the character look like he doesn't recognize something "Hearing_1" 'This
code makes the character look like he is listening (left) "Hearing_2" 'This
code makes the character look like he is listening (right) "Hearing_3" 'This
code makes the character look like he is listening (both sides) "Hearing_4" 'This
code makes the character look like he is listening (does not work on peedy) "Pleased" 'This
code makes the character look pleased "Sad" 'This
code makes the character look sad "Surprised" 'This
code makes the character look surprised "Uncertain" 'This
code makes the character look uncertain


Making Him Look Somewhere

The character can look at different angles. "LookDown" 'Looks
Down "LookDownBlink"  'Looks
and Blinks "LookDownReturn" 'Stops
looking and returns to restpose "LookUp" 'Looks
Up "LookUpBlink" 'Looks
and Blinks "LookUpReturn" 'Stops
looking and returns to restpose "LookRight" 'Looks
to the Right "LookRighBlink" 'Looks
and Blinks "LookRightReturn" Stops
looking and returns to restpose "LookLeft" 'Looks
to the Left "LookLeftBlink" 'Looks
and Blinks "LookLeftReturn" 'Stops
looking and returns to restpose


Making Him Do Various

The character can do various gestures that
can be quite useful. "GestureUp" 'Gestures
Up "GestureRight" 'Gestures
Right "GestureLeft" 'Gestures
Left "GestureDown" 'Gestures
Something "GetAttention" 'Gets
the users attention "Greet" 'Greets
the User (by action)
"Announce" "Congratulate_1"
user "Congratulate_2"
user "DoMagic1" 'Does
Magic 1 - Can be used with DoMagic2 "DoMagic2" "StartListening" 'Starts
Listening "StoptListening" 'Stops


Making him Gesture at a
specific location on Screen

Using the GestureAt property
you can get the Character to point at a specific screen co ordinate. More useful
than GestureRight and GestureLeft because using this you can point diagonally

char.GestureAt 300,300 'Character
points at screen co ordinate 300,300




Events and
Properties of the Agent Control



Using the Agent1_IdleStart
event to set what the Agent does when He is Idle

You can place code in the Agent1_IdleStart
event to tell VB what the agent does when he is idle.
Agent can do the following idle stuff. Please note that some functions may not
work for some characters. You can put the following functions in a loop or just
let them run. Also note that some functions cannot be stopped unless the char.stop
command is used. You may also include any other functions in the
Agent1_IdleStart event. "Idle1_1" "Idle1_2" "Idle1_3" "Idle1_4" "Idle1_5" "Idle1_6" "Idle2_1" "Idle2_2" "Idle2_3" "Idle3_1" "Idle3_2" "Idle3_3" 'This
one works only for Peedy I think! - He listens to music!


Using the Agent1_Complete
event to set what the Agent does when He is finished idling

This tells VB what to with the agent once he
is finished idling. Example - "Restpose"
'This will put the character in his default rest pose


Using the Agent1_Click
event to Set what happens when the Character is clicked

You can place some code in the Agent1_Click
event to tell VB what to do when the user clicks on the character.  You can
place almost any command here. Example - "Alert"


Using the Agent1_Move
event to Set what happens when the Character is moved

You can place some code in the Agent1_Move
event to tell VB what to do when the user moves the character.  You can
place almost any command here. Example - "Surprised"

Using the Agent1_DragStart
event to Set what happens when the user starts to drag the Character

You can place some code in the
Agent1_DragStart event to tell VB what to do when the user starts to drag the
character.  You can place almost any command here. Example - "Think"


Using the Agent1_DragStop
event to Set what happens when the user stops dragging the Character

You can place some code in the
Agent1_DragStop event to tell VB what to do when the user stops dragging the
character.  You can place almost any command here. Example - "Blink"


Using the Agent1_BalloonHide
event to Set what happens when the Character's speech balloon is shown

Using this event you can set what happens
every time the speech balloon is shown (basically every time the character
starts speaking).


Using the Agent1_BalloonShow
event to Set what happens when the Character's speech balloon is hidden

Using this event you can set what happens
every time the speech balloon is hidden (basically every time the character
stops speaking).





Using the SoundEffectsOn
property to switch the Characters sound effects on / off

Using this property you can toggle the
characters sound effects on an off. Useful if you want the character to stay
silent for a while

char.SoundEffectsOn = True Turns
sound effects on

char.SoundEffectsOn = False 'Turns
sound effects off


Using the IdleOn
property to toggle the Character's idle mode on / off

Using this property you can toggle the
character's idle mode on an off. 

char.IdleOn = True 'Sets
Idle Mode On

char.IdleOn = False 'Sets
Idle Mode Off


Using the AutoPopupMenu
property to toggle the default (Agent's) popup menu on and off

Using this propert you can set the agent's
popup menu on or off. This menu has only one option (hide) ,so by it is not
really useful. If you want a popup menu for your character see the Agent Right
Click Popup Menu Example (below) on how to create custom popup menus. As you may
have noticed, in the 'Initializing the Character' section I have turned off the
auto popupmenu. Never the less you can use the following code to toggle it on or

char.AutoPopupMenu = True 'Turns
Auto PopMenu On

char.AutoPopupMenu = False Turns
Auto PopMenu Off


Using the Connected
property to set whether the Agent is connected to the Microsoft Agent Server

Using this you can set whether the control is
connected to the Microsoft Agent Server (useful for creating client / server

char.Connected = True 'Not

char.Connected = False 'Connected


Using Ms Agent
with VB Script

Ms Agent can be used in VB script too. VB
script 2.0 is needed to do so. Here is an example. Using VB script is very
useful if you want to include MS Agent on your web page. Please note - I am not
too familiar with VB script so If there are any syntax errors please let me


Using the Connected
property to set whether the Agent is connected to the Microsoft Agent Server

Using this you can set whether the control is
connected to the Microsoft Agent Server (useful for creating client / server

char.Connected = True 'Not

char.Connected = False 'Connected



Initializing The Character

To initialize the character you will need to
contact the Agent Server.



Dim Char 'Declare the String Char

Sub window_OnLoad 'Window_Onload

"Genie", ""

‘Create an object with reference to the character on the Microsoft

set Char= AgentCtl.Characters
("Genie") 'Set the the Char string to = The
Agent Cotnrol

Char.Get "state",

‘Get the Showing state animation

Char.Show 'Show the

End Sub




Sending Requests to the

You will need to send requests to the agent
server in order to do certain commands.

Dim Request

Set Request = Agent1.Characters.Load ("Genie", "")
'Sets the request

If (Request.Status = 2) then 'Request is in

'Add your code here (you
can send text to status bar or something)

Else If (Request.Status = 0) then 'Request
successfully completed

'Add your code here (you
can do something like display the annimation)

End If



Showing Animations

If you are using VB script you will need to
get the animations from a server using the Get method. For example the
following code will get all the 'Moving' animations which the character needs.

("Peedy").Get "Animation", "Moving", True 

After an animation is loaded you should be
able to play it in the usual way.



Examples of
How  you can use the Agent Control


Agent Right Click Popup
Menu Example

This code is very useful if
you only want to have the agent visible on the screen and not the form. Now you
can set the agent to display a popup menu so that you wont have to display the
form. To use this you will need a Form called frmMain and in that form a Menu
Item called mnuMain. mnuMain must have submenus. You can type the following code
into the Agent1_Click Event

if Button =
vbRightButton then frmMain.popupmenu mnuMain
code will display the popup menu only if the user right click son the age

Now all you have to do is to add submenus and
functions to the mnuMain menu item!


Event Example

When the user does not click
on or interact with the Agent for a long time it automatically sets itself to
idle. So you may want to add some functions to make the agent do stuff while the
user is not working with him. You may add the following code to the
Agent1_IdleStart Event -

10 'Specify line
number so that we can loop back later
"think" "read"

Goto 10 'Tells VB to
go to the line number which was specified earlier

You may also want to add the following code
to the Agent1_Click Event so that the character will stop doing hid idle part
when the user clicks on  him - char.stop



Fun Agent Code to Add to
your Applications

Character 'Dive' Code

This is some fun code I
sometimes use in applications. It creates a cool effect. 

char.Play "LookDownBlink" 'Looks
down and blinks

char.Play "LookDownBlink" 'Looks down and blinks

char.Play "LookDownBlink" 'Looks down and blinks

char.Play "LookDownReturn" 'Stops looking down

char.Stop 'Stops what he is doing

char.MoveTo 300, 700 'Moves him to co ordinates 300,700
(off the screen!)

char.Speak "Man It's really dark ..inside your monitor!" 'Speaks 
char.MoveTo 300, 50 'Move him to co
ordinates 300,50

char.Speak "Nice to be back!"  'Speaks

Character 'Move Around'
Code Example

This is some fun code I
sometimes use in applications. It looks really funny on Peedy! Note - you may
have to change the screen co ordinates to suite your resolution.

char.MoveTo 2000, 300 'Moves
him to co ordinates 2000,300 (off the screen!)

char.MoveTo 300, 300 'Moves to co ordinates 300,300 (lower
middle of screen)

char.Play "confused" 'Looks Confused

char.Speak "Nothing like a little flying to clear the head!" 'Speaks

char.Play "pleased" 'Looks pleased

Character 'Open Notepad'
Code Example

This code makes the character look like he
is writing in his notepad while you use your notepad.

char.MoveTo 50, 1 'Moves
character to upper left hand corner of the screen

char.Speak "Let's use notepad!" 'Speaks

char.Play "Writing" 'Character starts writing

Shell "Notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus 'Opens Notepad
with Normal Focus

Character 'Grow' Code

This code makes the Character grow big! Looks
really cool (you tend to see the pixels though). You can customize the code to
make the character any size you want.

char.Height = "750" 'Sets
the Characters Height

char.Width = "450" 'Sets
the Characters Width


Character 'Shrink' Code

This code makes the Character shrink! Looks
really cool (the animations don't look as good though). You can customize the
code to make the character any size you want.

char.Height = "75" 'Sets
the Characters Height

char.Width = "25" 'Sets
the Characters Width


Using an Input Box to let
the User specify what the Character Says

This code is very useful because it lets the
user decide what the the character says. 

Message = InputBox("What do you want Peedy to say?")
'Sets the Message String to equal the input box. Also sets
the input box's heading

char.Speak Message 'Speaks out the text in the Message

Using a Text Box to let
the User specify what the Character Says

This code is useful to make the character
read a whole document. You can load text in to a text box and then tell the
character to read it. The following example requires a text box called Text1.

if Text1.text <> " " then
char.speak text1.text 'Checks to see if the text box is
empty. If it is not empty then it tells the character to speak the text.

End if


Frequently Asked

How do I know if I have a
Microsoft Agent Character file(s) on my computer?

Just goto Start > Find
> Files or Folders and search for the extension *.acs . If you find any
such  files in your C:WindowsMsAgentChars
folder then you are luck. If you have a file called Peedy.acs then this tutorial
will work. Otherwise just specify Anim = "Your Character's Name).


Hey I'm too lazy to go
sifting through all that... is there some way I can do it through code?

Yes there is a way.. just
add this code to a form that has a agent control on it called Agent 1. This code
will show a box which has all the character files installed on your computer.
Look through that and you will know if you have character files or not. Here is
the code 



I don't have the file(s).
Where can I download them from? Are they freeware?

The agent files can be freely downloaded, but
you are never the less bound by the Microsoft EULA (End User License Agreement).
For more information go to the URL specified below. The agent files (inlcuding the character
files) are available for download on


Why don't some functions
(commands) work on some character files?

Some versions of character files will
have more functions, so in order use
all the functions you may need to get a new character file. For example the
function does not work on Robby.


Sometimes the character
doesn't stop what he is doing for a long time... how can I force him to stop?

Some functions take a long time to finish or
may even loop for ever so
you may have to force a stop. Just add the char.Stop or the char.StopAll
function to an event to stop the character. When this function is called the
character will automatically stop doing what he was doing and go to his rest


Can I use the Ms Agent in my

Yes! as far as I know Microsoft is
distributing this freely across the internet. You can use the control freely
(for more info go to the MSDN site - ), and you can use any of
the code you see in this tutorial freely!


How can I change the
character file?

In lots of examples I have seen, in order to
change the character file you need to change a lot of code. But if you used my
code you only have to change one line of code. All you have to do is to set the
Anim String to equal the character you want. For example to choose Peedy just
type the following code Anim = "Peedy". Note that you can only
change the character if you have the character installed on your machine.


Can I use Ms Agent in VB 4.0?

I have got reports that you can use Ms Agent
1.5 in Visual Basic 4. I am not sure if it will work in VB 4.0 (16 Bit), but it
should work in VB 4.0 (32 Bit). 


Can I use Ms Agent in Java?

As far as I know you can. I saw some Java
code on the MSDN site. You may want to check out the site (see below for URL).


Where can I get more info on
Ms Agent?

official Ms Agent developer page is at -


When are you going to add a
Speech Recognition Section?

Have patience. I will add this tutorial as
soon as possible (I am working on it!). 


What can I expect in your
next tutorial?

Frankly... a lot! I hope to add a speech
recognition section as well as how to control Ms Agent via API.



A lot of hard work
has gone into this tutorial. I have spent many hours writing this article
in an easy to understand manner. If you like this please vote for me.
Also feel free to post any comments or suggestions as to what I
can include in the next version.

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 236 times


Visual Basic 6


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