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Extreme Netsend App

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is a Windows NT netsend application. (This is my first submission!) This app Allows NT users to send messages across the network to single users, selected users, or a selected domain. The app allows users to store different netsend groups and allows the manual entry of a particular user to netsend.
This app was created from a base program called netsender that was downloaded from this site. I adding some of my own features and pieced together small chunks of code from various sources, then cleaned up the app, threw in correct tab stops, Alt keys etc.
Thanks to Many people for their contributions. Use it how you wish!
This program requires ADSI 2.5 runtime (activeDS.tlb). If you don't have this library, it can be downloaded here:
Windows 2000 includes the ADSI 2.5 runtime.
This program also requires the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll) which can be obtained by installing any one of the following packages:
Windows Script Host
Windows NT Option Pack
Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0
Scripting 3.1 upgrade
Visual Studio 98
Visual Basic 6.0

Original Author: Charlie Kirkwood


This program requires ADSI 2.5 runtime (activeDS.tlb)
If you don't have this library, it can be downloaded here:
Windows 2000 includes the ADSI 2.5 runtime.
This program also requires the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll - i used version # which can be obtained by installing any one of the following packages:
Windows Script Host
Windows NT Option Pack
Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0
Scripting 3.1 upgrade
Visual Studio 98
Visual Basic 6.0
NOTE: earlier versions of the scripting runtime library may not work as they may not include all necessary constants. JUST get the latest version of the library and it'll work.

API Declarations

lots, just look into the code

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 107 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 37,790 bytes

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