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a -An Analog Clock which is VERY SIMPLE!!

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Thaha Hussain's Clock-Work Formula:
In most of the computer languages, X-axis is taken correctly. But Y-axis in the reverse of the normal Cartisian axis (Y-axis is incremented downword not upword) . So usual analytic manipulations such as, shifting the origin, calculation of polar co-ordinates etc become difficult. Ofcourse, VB has techniques to correct this problem by scaling. But for many lanuages, it is not available! The formula described can be used in any programming language which has inverted Y-axis (C, BASIC etc.).
These are the difficulties faced while deriving the formulae.
1) The Y axis Problem.
2) Polar angles are measured in anti-clockwise direction, while the clock hands are moved in clockwise direction.
3) 'Zero' of polar angle and 'Zero' of Clock Hands causes a difference of 90 degrees.
The following are the Formulae obtained.
Feel free to use the formula for non-commercial purposes. However the Author's name should be accompanied along with the formula.
Thaha Hussain's clock work formula
Hour Hand :
hour_x2 = LengthOfHourHand * Cos(PI/180*(30 * hour - 90)) + midx
hour_y2 = LengthOfHourHand * Sin(PI/180*(30 * hour - 90)) + midy
Minute Hand:
minute_x2 = LengthOfMinuteHand * Cos(PI/180*(6 * minute - 90)) + midx
minute_y2 = LengthOfMinuteHand * Sin(PI/180*(6 * minute - 90)) + midy
Soconds Hand:
second_x2 = LengthOfSecondsHand * Cos(PI/180*(6 * second - 90)) + midx
second_y2 = LengthOfSecondsHand * Sin(PI/180*(6 * second - 90)) + midy
You'll never get a formula simpler than this to move the clock hands!
1) You can use the formulae in any Programming Language without the Co-ordinate adjustment!
2) No problem for hour, even in 24 Hr format!
3) You can adjust the Length of Clock Hands!
4) Shift the clock to anywhere by changing (midx,midy)
5) Create your own custom controls!
6) A variety of other uses in graphics!
Simply Excellent! Right? Please vote for the formulae!

Original Author: K. O. Thaha Hussain


In a form place 3 lines (Line1, Line2, Line3) and a timer (Timer1)
and a shape (Shape1). Paste the code.


' In the name of The Almighty...
' (C) K. O. Thaha Hussain, Systems Analyst
' Manama, Bahrain
' Get permission from the author to use
' the formulae commercially.
' Feel free to make use of the Formulae
' for Non-Commercial Purposes,
' but the name of the Author should be a
' ccompanied along with the formulae.
Option Explicit
Dim HourLength As Integer, MinuteLength As Integer, _
              SecondLength As Integer
Dim MidX As Integer, MidY As Integer
Const PI = 3.14159

Sub LengthAndCentre()
  Dim d As Integer
  If Me.ScaleWidth < Me.ScaleHeight Then
    HourLength = Me.ScaleWidth * 50 / 200 ' 50%
    MinuteLength = Me.ScaleWidth * 80 / 200 ' 80%
    SecondLength = Me.ScaleWidth * 90 / 200 ' 90%
    HourLength = Me.ScaleHeight * 50 / 200 ' 50%
    MinuteLength = Me.ScaleHeight * 80 / 200 ' 80%
    SecondLength = Me.ScaleHeight * 90 / 200 ' 90%
  End If
  MidX = Me.ScaleWidth 2
  MidY = Me.ScaleHeight 2
  Line1.X1 = MidX
  Line2.X1 = MidX
  Line3.X1 = MidX
  Line1.Y1 = MidY
  Line2.Y1 = MidY
  Line3.Y1 = MidY
  d = Shape1.BorderWidth 2
  Shape1.Left = d
  Shape1.Top = d
  Shape1.Width = Me.ScaleWidth - d * 2
  Shape1.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - d * 2
  Call Timer1_Timer 'just To avoid flicker
End Sub

Private Sub DrawDial()
' Procedure to draw the dial
' using Clock Work Formula.
Dim I, HourX, HourY, MinuteX, MinuteY, DialLength As Integer
If Me.ScaleWidth < Me.ScaleHeight Then
  DialLength = Me.ScaleWidth * 92 / 200 ' 92%
  DialLength = Me.ScaleHeight * 92 / 200 ' 92%
End If

'The following loop is doing hour marking
For I = 1 To 12
  Me.DrawWidth = 4
  HourX = DialLength * Cos(PI / 180 * (30 * I - 90)) + MidX
  HourY = DialLength * Sin(PI / 180 * (30 * I - 90)) + MidY
  PSet (HourX, HourY)
Next I
'The following loop is doing minute marking
For I = 1 To 59
  Me.DrawWidth = 2
  MinuteX = DialLength * Cos(PI / 180 * (6 * I - 90)) + MidX
  MinuteY = DialLength * Sin(PI / 180 * (6 * I - 90)) + MidY
  PSet (MinuteX, MinuteY)
Next I
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Me.Caption = "Thaha Hussain's Clock Work Formula"
  Me.AutoRedraw = True
  Me.BackColor = &H80FF&
  Shape1.BorderWidth = 4
  Shape1.BorderColor = vbYellow
  Line1.BorderWidth = 5
  Line2.BorderWidth = 3
  Line3.BorderWidth = 1
  Line3.BorderColor = vbRed
  Timer1.Interval = 1000
  Call LengthAndCentre
  Call Timer1_Timer 'just To avoid initial flicker
  MsgBox "Resize the window to resize the clock...", , _
  "Thaha Hussain's Clock-Work Formula"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
  On Error Resume Next
  Call LengthAndCentre
  Call DrawDial
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
  Dim Hours As Single, Minutes As Single, Seconds As Single
  Dim TrueHours As Single
  Hours = Hour(Time)
  Minutes = Minute(Time)
  Seconds = Second(Time)
  TrueHours = Hours + Minutes / 60
  Line1.X2 = HourLength * Cos(PI / 180 * (30 * TrueHours - 90)) + MidX
  Line1.Y2 = HourLength * Sin(PI / 180 * (30 * TrueHours - 90)) + MidY
  Line2.X2 = MinuteLength * Cos(PI / 180 * (6 * Minutes - 90)) + MidX
  Line2.Y2 = MinuteLength * Sin(PI / 180 * (6 * Minutes - 90)) + MidY
  Line3.X2 = SecondLength * Cos(PI / 180 * (6 * Seconds - 90)) + MidX
  Line3.Y2 = SecondLength * Sin(PI / 180 * (6 * Seconds - 90)) + MidY
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 162 times


Visual Basic 6


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