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LR Encryptions X V.1.1

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

The porpose of this program is to encrypt text and files, there are two encryptions for text and one for files, the file encryption works with a key, the key is not a code,password, or numbers that you have to remember, its just a simple file on your computer, it gets the binary number of that file and thats what it uses to decrypt it, its kind of like win zip.

Original Author: Luis Ramos

API Declarations

'*************LR Software INC.****************
'*************Luis Ramos:Coder****************

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 130 times


Visual Basic 6


Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 202,578 bytes

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