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Hesan's Bitmap Works

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This Program is used to add great effects to your images. Such as : Rotation, Blur, Noise, ... .

Original Author: Hesan Feghhi


Normal Pictures + Few Parameters


Great Pictures

API Declarations



Public Sub UnRGB(ByVal color As OLE_COLOR, ByRef R As Integer, ByRef G As Integer, ByRef B As Integer)
B = color 65536
G = (color 256) Mod 256
R = color Mod 256
End Sub
'Destination Picture Cannont be the Source Picture itself
Public Sub bmp_Rotate(PicSrc As PictureBox, PicDest As PictureBox, degree As Single)
yc = PicSrc.height / 30
xc = PicSrc.width / 30
R = Sqr(yc * yc)
For x = 0 To (PicSrc.width - 80) / 5
For y = 0 To (PicSrc.height - 80) / 5
'Let the user see the result every 4000 pixels
u = u + 1: If u = 8000 Then DoEvents: u = 0
pix = PicSrc.Point(x * 5 - 5, y * 5 - 5)
yy = y - PicSrc.height / 10
xx = x - PicSrc.width / 10
SinA = yy / R
CosA = xx / R
SinB = Sin(degree / 57.3248)
CosB = Cos(degree / 57.3248)
SinApB = SinA * CosB + CosA * SinB
CosApB = CosA * CosB - SinA * SinB
nx = R * CosApB
ny = R * SinApB
xorigin = PicDest.width / 2
yorigin = PicDest.height / 2
PicDest.PSet (xorigin + nx * 5, yorigin + ny * 5), pix
Next y, x
End Sub
Public Sub bmp_Blur(PicSrc As PictureBox)
For x = 1 To PicSrc.width / 15
For y = 1 To PicSrc.height / 15
'Let the user see the result every 4000 pixels
u = u + 1: If u = 4000 Then DoEvents: u = 0
p = PicSrc.Point(x * 15 - 15, y * 15 - 15)
If p < 0 Then p = 0
UnRGB p, R%, G%, B%
p1 = PicSrc.Point((x - 1) * 15 - 15, y * 15 - 15)
If p1 < 0 Then p1 = 0
UnRGB p1, R1%, G1%, B1%
p2 = PicSrc.Point((x + 1) * 15 - 15, y * 15 - 15)
If p2 < 0 Then p2 = 0
UnRGB p2, R2%, G2%, B2%
p3 = PicSrc.Point(x * 15 - 15, (y - 1) * 15 - 15)
UnRGB p3, R3%, G3%, B3%
If p3 < 0 Then p3 = 0
p4 = PicSrc.Point(x * 15 - 15, (y + 1) * 15 - 15)
If p4 < 0 Then p4 = 0
UnRGB p4, R4%, G4%, B4%
R1 = (R1 + R) / 2
R2 = (R2 + R) / 2
R3 = (R3 + R) / 2
R4 = (R4 + R) / 2
G1 = (G1 + G) / 2
G2 = (G2 + G) / 2
G3 = (G3 + G) / 2
G4 = (G4 + G) / 2
B1 = (B1 + B) / 2
B2 = (B2 + B) / 2
B3 = (B3 + B) / 2
B4 = (B4 + B) / 2
PicSrc.PSet ((x - 1) * 15 - 15, y * 15 - 15), RGB(Fix(R1%), Fix(G1%), Fix(B1%))
PicSrc.PSet ((x + 1) * 15 - 15, y * 15 - 15), RGB(Fix(R2%), Fix(G2%), Fix(B2%))
PicSrc.PSet (x * 15 - 15, (y - 1) * 15 - 15), RGB(Fix(R3%), Fix(G3%), Fix(B3%))
PicSrc.PSet (x * 15 - 15, (y + 1) * 15 - 15), RGB(Fix(R4%), Fix(G4%), Fix(B4%))
Next y, x
End Sub
'Destination Cannont be the Source Picture itself
Public Sub bmp_FlipHorizontal(PicSrc As PictureBox, PicDest As PictureBox)
For x = 0 To PicSrc.width / 15
For y = 0 To PicSrc.height / 15
'Let the user see the result every 4000 pixels
u = u + 1: If u = 4000 Then DoEvents: u = 0
pix = PicSrc.Point(x * 15, y * 15)
PicDest.PSet (PicSrc.width - (x * 15) - 80, y * 15), pix
Next y, x
End Sub
'Destination Cannont be the Source Picture itself
Public Sub bmp_FlipVertical(PicSrc As PictureBox, PicDest As PictureBox)
For x = 0 To PicSrc.width / 15
For y = 0 To PicSrc.height / 15
'Let the user see the result every 4000 pixels
u = u + 1: If u = 4000 Then DoEvents: u = 0
pix = PicSrc.Point(x * 15, y * 15)
PicDest.PSet (x * 15, PicSrc.height - (y * 15) - 80), pix
Next y, x
End Sub
Public Sub bmp_GrayScale(PicSrc As PictureBox)
For x = 0 To PicSrc.width / 15
For y = 0 To PicSrc.height / 15
'Let the user see the result every 4000 pixels
u = u + 1: If u = 4000 Then DoEvents: u = 0
pix = PicSrc.Point(x * 15, y * 15)
UnRGB pix, R%, G%, B%
GC = (R + G + B) / 3
PicSrc.PSet (x * 15, y * 15), RGB(GC, GC, GC)
Next y, x
End Sub
Public Sub bmp_AddNoise(PicSrc As PictureBox)
For x = 1 To PicSrc.width / 50
For y = 1 To PicSrc.height / 50
'Let the user see the result every 4000 pixels
u = u + 1: If u = 4000 Then DoEvents: u = 0
UnRGB pix, R%, G%, B%
GC = (R + G + B) / 3
R = Fix(Rnd * 255)
G = Fix(Rnd * 255)
B = Fix(Rnd * 255)
PicSrc.PSet (x * 50 + 45 * Rnd - 50, y * 50 + 45 * Rnd - 50), RGB(R, G, B)
Next y, x
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 132 times


Visual Basic 6


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