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Log (class)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Easily log events. Log errors by passing the ERR object.

Original Author: Michael A. Schmidt


Option Explicit
' Michael Schmidt July 2001
' Example:
' Public MyLog As Log
' Private Form_Load
' On Error Goto ErrorSub
' MyLog = New Log
' Log ("Loading Form...")
' Log ("Unloading Form...","Hello!")
' Exit Sub
' ErrorSub:
' LogError(Err,"Error in MySub")
' End Sub
' The EVENT function was never
' implemented, if you compile
' this into a DLL then you should
' be able to use the EVENT feature
' quite handy.
Private LogFile As Long
Private LogName As String
Private Const Comma = ","
Private Const Quote = """"
Private Const Space = " "
Private oDateTime
Private oType
Private oGeneralInfo
Private oDetailedInfo
Event LogIn(logData As String)
Private Sub LogError(objError As ErrObject, strSubFailed As String)
oDateTime = "(" & Date & Space & Time & ")"
oType = "ERROR"
oGeneralInfo = "Error " & objError.Number & " - " & Err.Description
oDetailedInfo = strSubFailed

End Sub
Private Sub Log(strGeneral As String, Optional strDetailed As String)
oDateTime = "(" & Date & Space & Time & ")"
oType = "GENERAL"
oGeneralInfo = strGeneral
oDetailedInfo = strDetailed

End Sub
Private Sub AppendLog()
Dim CSVstring As String
Dim BASstring As String

CSVstring = Quote & oDateTime & Quote & Comma & _
Quote & oType & Quote & Comma & _
Quote & oGeneralInfo & Quote & Comma & _
Quote & oDetailedInfo & Quote
BASstring = oDateTime & Space & _
oType & Space & _
oGeneralInfo & _

RaiseEvent LogIn(BASstring)
' Print to LOG
Open LogName For Append As #LogFile
Print #LogFile, CSVstring
Close #LogFile
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
LogName = App.Path & "Session.log"
LogFile = FreeFile()

Open LogName For Output As #LogFile
Close #LogFile

Log ("[Log Started]")
End Sub
' Path Property
Property Get LogFilePathName() As String
LogFilePathName = LogName
End Property
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Log ("[Log Ended]")
End Sub

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 98 times


Visual Basic 6


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