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PSC Downloader 2.0

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Have you ever wanted to have a place to put your code that you downloaded from PSC? Is tracking it all down and remembering what it is a problem?
Well, fret no more. With PSCdl2, you can keep track of all those nasty little bits of code in one spot. Building upon Thomas Hannibal's original code, I thought this is cool, but keeping track of all this is tough. I "lightened" it up a bit by removing some objects that cost heavy on the development side and redistribution.
Features include:
Drag-drop of all data including images and links to ZIP files.
Ability to retrieve ZIPs/Images/Abouts
Great for sites other than just PSC!
Features to come:
Edit entry titles
Edit descriptions
Delete entries
Upload from other sources!
Version 1 to version 2 utility (Read comments in Form1.frm under Quick Load)
Some sample code already uploaded.
This is a work in progress so PLEASE VOTE!!!
(Sorry commenting is so sparse... I'll fix that in a later release)

Original Author: JohnB


You must register the enclosed DLL (Base64.dll). If that is not available you can get it from the website (It's free!).
See modComments.bas for more.
Uses the latest MDAC (2.6).


None, other than a sense of order... :)

Side Effects

Uses and Access 2000 database. After uploading much code to this file, it will grow considerably.

API Declarations

See code.

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 104 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 496,813 bytes

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