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A simple ListView Column Sorter (alphanumeric, numeric, date)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

A handy module used for sorting a ListView Column (in report view). The column can be sorted alphanumerically, numerically or by date (ascending and descending)

Original Author: unknown


ListViewControl As MSComctlLib.ListView
ColumnIndex as Integer
SortType As Integer
SortOrder As Integer


The listview date is in the general date format
Will allow zero length strings in the sort for all types.
Will not allow non-numeric values for sortNumeric (except zero length strings)
Will not allow anything other than a date or zero length string for sortDate


True if executed without error
False if executed with error


Public Const sortAlphanumeric = 0
Public Const sortNumeric = 1
Public Const sortDate = 2
Public Const sortAscending = 3
Public Const sortDescending = 4

Function SortColumn(ByVal ListViewControl As MSComctlLib.ListView, ColumnIndex As Integer, SortType As Integer, SortOrder As Integer) As Boolean
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Select Case SortType
'*** Alphanumeric sort
Case sortAlphanumeric
   DoSort ListViewControl, SortOrder, ColumnIndex - 1

'*** Numeric Sort
Case sortNumeric
   Dim strMax As String, strNew As String
   'Find the longest (whole) number string length in the column
   If ColumnIndex > 1 Then
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     If Len(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1)) <> 0 Then 'ignores 0 length strings
      If Len(CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1)))) > Len(strMax) Then
        strMax = CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).SubItems(ColumnIndex - 1)))
      End If
     End If
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     If Len(ListViewControl.ListItems(x)) <> 0 Then
      If Len(CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x)))) > Len(strMax) Then
        strMax = CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x)))
      End If
     End If
   End If
   'hide the control - speeds up the sort
   ListViewControl.Visible = False
   If ColumnIndex > 1 Then
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     If Len(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1)) = 0 Then
      ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = "0" 'make 0 length strings = to "0"
     ElseIf Len(CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1)))) < Len(strMax) Then
       'prefix all numbers with 0's as required
       strNew = ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1)
       For y = 1 To Len(strMax) - Len(CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1))))
        strNew = "0" & strNew
       ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = strNew
     End If
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     If Len(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text) = 0 Then
      ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = "0" 'make 0 length strings = to "0"
     ElseIf Len(CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x)))) < Len(strMax) Then
       'prefix all numbers with 0's as required
       strNew = ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text
       For y = 1 To Len(strMax) - Len(CStr(Int(ListViewControl.ListItems(x))))
        strNew = "0" & strNew
       ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = strNew
     End If
   End If
   DoSort ListViewControl, SortOrder, ColumnIndex - 1
   If ColumnIndex > 1 Then
    'Remove preceding 0's
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = CDbl(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1))
     If ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = 0 Then ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = ""
    'Remove preceding 0's
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = CDbl(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text)
     If ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = 0 Then ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = ""
   End If
   ListViewControl.Visible = True

'*** Date Sort
Case sortDate
   ListViewControl.Visible = False
   If ColumnIndex > 1 Then
    'Convert dates to format that can be sorted alphanumerically
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = Format(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1), "YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss")
    DoSort ListViewControl, SortOrder, ColumnIndex - 1
    'Convert dates back to General Date format
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1) = Format(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).ListSubItems(ColumnIndex - 1), "General Date")
    'Convert dates to format that can be sorted alphanumerically
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = Format(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text, "YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss")
    DoSort ListViewControl, SortOrder, ColumnIndex - 1
    'Convert dates back to General Date format
    For x = 1 To ListViewControl.ListItems.Count
     ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text = Format(ListViewControl.ListItems(x).Text, "General Date")
   End If
   ListViewControl.Visible = True
End Select
SortColumn = True

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ")", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "ListView Sort module Error"
SortColumn = False
Resume Exit_Function
End Function

Private Sub DoSort(ByVal ListViewControl As MSComctlLib.ListView, SortOrder As Integer, SortKey As Integer)
  If SortOrder = sortAscending Then
   ListViewControl.SortOrder = lvwAscending
  ElseIf SortOrder = sortDescending Then
   ListViewControl.SortOrder = lvwDescending
  End If
  ListViewControl.SortKey = SortKey
  ListViewControl.Sorted = True
End Sub

'Private Sub lv_ColumnClick(Index As Integer, ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader)
' Select Case ColumnHeader.Index
'  Case 1
'    If lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "up" Then
'     SortColumn lv(Index), ColumnHeader.Index, sortAlphanumeric, sortDescending
'     lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "down"
'    Else
'     SortColumn lv(Index), ColumnHeader.Index, sortAlphanumeric, sortAscending
'     lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "up"
'    End If
'  Case 2
'    If lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "up" Then
'     SortColumn lv(Index), ColumnHeader.Index, sortNumeric, sortDescending
'     lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "down"
'    Else
'     SortColumn lv(Index), ColumnHeader.Index, sortNumeric, sortAscending
'     lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "up"
'    End If
'  Case 3
'    If lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "up" Then
'     SortColumn lv(Index), ColumnHeader.Index, sortDate, sortDescending
'     lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "down"
'    Else
'     SortColumn lv(Index), ColumnHeader.Index, sortDate, sortAscending
'     lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(ColumnHeader.Index).Icon = "up"
'    End If
' End Select
' For x = 1 To lv(Index).ColumnHeaders.Count
'  If x <> ColumnHeader.Index Then
'   lv(Index).ColumnHeaders(x).Icon = "dot"
'  End If
' Next
'End Sub

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 170 times


Visual Basic 6


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