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SMid - "Smart" Mid

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This function is similar to the Mid function. Except, you can specify the starting, and ending strings (capture the data in between).

Original Author: Derek de Oliveira


orig_string As String : Source string
start As Long : Location in source to start from
str_start As String : beginning string (capture from)
str_end As String : ending string (capture to)


This code will return the data that is found between the "str_start" and "str_end" strings.


'newStr = SMid("Hello 1Between2 world!", 1, "1", "2")
'will return: "Between"

Function SMid(orig_string As String, start As Long, str_start As String, str_end As String)
On Error GoTo handler
'SMid (Smart MID)
'By: Derek de Oliveira
'Use this function in any program. No need to thank me :)
'o_string = Origional String
's_start = Start From string
's_end = Ending string
step1 = InStr(start, orig_string, str_start, vbTextCompare)
result = Mid(orig_string, step1 + Len(str_start), InStr(step1 + Len(str_start), orig_string, str_end, vbTextCompare) - step1 - Len(str_start))
SMid = result
Exit Function
SMid = ""
End Function

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 82 times


Visual Basic 6


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