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convert/write a number in words

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Takes any numerical value (less a billion) like "203463110" and outputs "Two Hundred Three Million Four Hundred Sixty Three Thousand One Hundred Ten"

Original Author: Noel Khan


] Sub Translate(Number As String) [
The user/app send the translate sub some numerical value from a text or input box


was used to automate typing numerical values in words for stock certificates but can also be used in other financial apps (like an app that prints out information on checks).
cut and paste this code onto a form. Then hit F5


] NumberInText$ [
The sub return a string named "NumberInText$," which is the number worded out.

Side Effects

No side effects


Dim X As String   'the number input
Dim q As Long    'currently parsed-digit counter
Dim i As Long    'currently parsed 3-digit set, i.e., "000######", "###000###", etc
Dim NumberInText As String 'output, this is the translation of the numerical value
Dim BeginningInterval As Long  'counter to tract which 3-digit set the program is reading
Dim EndingInterval As Long   'counter to tract which 3-digit set the program is reading
Dim Temp As Variant 'temporary parse
Private Sub Translate(Number As String)

'INPUT: "NUMBER" PARAMETER,i.e., some numerical value
'OUTPUT: "NumberInText$" STRING, i.e., the number spelled out in words
'ASSUMES: input must be in 9-digit format, use the format function to ensure that it is
'REQUIRES: the following two related subs
    'and also the above declarations

NumberInText$ = Empty
q = Empty
i = Empty
BeginningInterval = Empty
EndingInterval = Empty
Temp = Empty
  'the program reads the input in upto 3 sets (intervals) of 3 digits
  'at a time i.e., the millions, thousands, and hundreds
  For i = 1 To 3
    'the following counters keep track of which 3-digit set
    'the program is reading from
    BeginningInterval = EndingInterval + 1
    EndingInterval = EndingInterval + 3
      'now that the program has parsed upto three digits, its reads
      'and translates one digit at a time
      For q = BeginningInterval To EndingInterval
          'i use a temp variable to hold the single digit parse
          'if the parse is a zero, then skip on over to the next digit
          Temp = Mid(X$, q, 1): If Temp = "0" Then GoTo Escape
            'the next few lines essentially determines if the
            'suffix, "hundreds," is used and also determines
            'where to send the parse for translation.
            If q = 1 Xor q = 4 Xor q = 7 Then Call HundredsPlaceOROnesPlace: NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Hundred "
            If q = 2 Xor q = 5 Xor q = 8 Then Call TensPlace
            If q = 3 Xor q = 6 Xor q = 9 Then Call HundredsPlaceOROnesPlace
      Next q
    'the next couple lines essentially determines
    'if the suffix, million or thousand
    If EndingInterval = 3 And Not X$ Like "000######" Then NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Million "
    If EndingInterval = 6 And Not X$ Like "###000###" Then NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Thousand "
  Next i
End Sub
Private Sub HundredsPlaceOROnesPlace()
  Select Case Temp
    Case Is = "1": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "One "
    Case Is = "2": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Two "
    Case Is = "3": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Three "
    Case Is = "4": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Four "
    Case Is = "5": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Five "
    Case Is = "6": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Six "
    Case Is = "7": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Seven "
    Case Is = "8": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Eight "
    Case Is = "9": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Nine "
    Case Else:
  End Select
End Sub
Private Sub TensPlace()
If Temp = 1 Then
  Temp = Mid(X$, q, 2)
    Select Case Temp
      Case Is = "10": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Ten ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "11": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Eleven ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "12": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Twelve ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "13": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Thirteen ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "14": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Fourteen ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "15": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Fifteen ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "16": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Sixteen ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "17": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Seventeen ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "18": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Eighteen ": q = q + 1
      Case Is = "19": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Nineteen ": q = q + 1
    End Select
    Select Case Temp
      Case Is = "2": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Twenty "
      Case Is = "3": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Thirty "
      Case Is = "4": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Forty "
      Case Is = "5": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Fifty "
      Case Is = "6": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Sixty "
      Case Is = "7": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Seventy "
      Case Is = "8": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Eighty "
      Case Is = "9": NumberInText$ = NumberInText$ & "Ninety "
      Case Else
    End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
  X$ = InputBox("Enter any number less than a billion." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Type 'exit' to exit", "Number to Translate")
  If X$ = "exit" Then
    GoTo Exiting
    X$ = Format(X$, "000000000")  'input must be in nine digit format
    Call Translate(X$)
    MsgBox Format(X$, "###,###,###") & " = " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & NumberInText$, vbOKOnly, "Translation"
    GoTo Again:
  End If
Unload Me
End Sub

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 99 times


Visual Basic 6


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