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A Beginner method to check whether a file exists

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

A Beginner method to check whether the file exists or not. Simple and should able to run on different Window OS.

Original Author: Jacky Wong


Public Function CheckFile(InFileName As String) As Boolean

  On Error GoTo ErrHandler

  CheckFile = False

  If Dir(InFileName) <> "" Then

    If (GetAttr(InFileName) And vbDirectory) = 0 Then

      CheckFile = True


      MsgBox "File doesn't exist!", vbCritical

      Exit Sub

    End If


    MsgBox "File doesn't exist!", vbCritical

    Exit Sub

  End If


End Function

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 136 times


Visual Basic 6


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