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VERY TIGHT 3D Land **better than ever**

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

About 50 times better than before! Now with Collision Detection, Varieties of Texture, So-so sky, and a nice looking building to walk around in. All running at a slick 128 FPS! Special thanks to Frederico Machado for his beautiful AddWall, AddFloor, AddRoof subs that are probably my favorite DirectX utility functions. See it for yourself, and vote for my 3D Lands!
However, for some reason I couldn't upload 3DLands to PSC--download it here:

Original Author: SOLID4K TEAM


Sorry again, I couldn't upload to PSC... So Download it here:

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 89 times


Visual Basic 6


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