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File Input Output

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

File Input Output Append

Original Author: Tony G


File and Directory - Articles - Handling Files in Visual Basic - In, Out, Shake It All About

  Handling Files in Visual Basic


By Alex Allan


In, Out,
   Shake It All About


First off, let's take a look at the file modes input, output and
   append. You use these three types to read or write plain text - such
   as that found in .txt, .bat and .ini files.


But when should you use each mode? Well, it depends on what you
   want to do. Use the following list to help you decide...


  • The Output mode creates a blank file and allows you to
        write information into it.
  • The Append mode is similar to the Output mode but
        appends (adds to) an existing file.
  • The Input mode opens a file for reading.


Top Tip: You may hear these file modes being referred
   to as 'sequential files'. That's 'cause once you have read or
   written to a line, you can't go back to it unless you close and
   re-open. In other words, the modes are one way ÔÇô sequential.


So, for example, to open a file for output, you'd use the
   Open statement like this:

Open "c:windowsfaq.txt" For Output As #1
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

That's all fine and dandy, but how do you use each mode
   after you've opened the file?


To write to a file we use (Output and Append

Print #filenumber, expression
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

To read from a file we use (Input only):

Input #filenumber, variablelist
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

This probably looks completely confusing at the moment, so let's
   figure out what it all means.


Let's imagine you've opened a file for output, like

Open "c:groovymyfile.txt" For Output As #1
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

...we now want to put information into this file using the Print
   statement, like this:

Print #1, "Hello World!"
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

This inserts the information you pass it direct to the file in


If you'd opened a file for Input, like this...

Open "c:groovymyotherfile.txt" For Input As #1
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1> can read information from the file, like

Input #1, MyVariableName
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

This reads information from the file in #1 and puts it into your


Let's use an example - it's easier to explain that way!


Building a


Let's build a sample to demonstrate accessing files:


Open Visual Basic and double-click on "Standard EXE"


You should be left with a blank form.


  • Throw a simple Text Box onto the form
  • Go to the Properties window and change MultiLine to True
  • Create two Command buttons, setting the caption of the first
        to Read and the second to Write.


So far, it should look something like this:


   width=228 border=1>


Now, double-click on Read and insert the following

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Outline:  - Asks the user for a file.
'    - Reads all the data into Text1.

Dim FilePath As String
Dim Data As String

FilePath = InputBox("Enter the path for a text file", "The Two R's", _
'Asks the user for some input via an input box.

Open FilePath For Input As #1
'Opens the file given by the user.

Do Until EOF(1)
'Does this loop until End Of File(EOF) for file number 1.
  Line Input #1, Data
  'Read one line and puts it into the varible Data.
  Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & Data
  'Adds the read line into Text1.
  MsgBox EOF(1)

Close #1
'Closes this file.
End Sub
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

Read the comments (anything prefixed by an apostrophe).


Next, double-click on Write and insert the following

Private Sub Command2_Click()
'Outline:  - Asks the user for a file.
'    - Writes it all to a the file.

Dim FilePath As String

FilePath = InputBox("Enter the path for a text file", _
"The Two R's")
'Asks the user for some input via an input box.

Open FilePath For Output As #1
'Opens the file given by the user (for Output).

Print #1, Text1.Text
'Writes the data into the file number #1

Close #1
End Sub
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

Once again, read all the comments. Do you understand what's


Hit F5 to run your program!


Congratulations! You've just created a simple text editor. The
   Write button performs a simple 'Save As' whilst the Read button is
   the equivalent of 'Open'.


Didn't I
   Mention Those?


You may have noticed a few things in my code that I haven't told
   you about. Let's take a peek at a few geeky code words...

Line Input #filenumber, MyVariableName
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

- This is the same as Input but it reads the whole line instead
   of stopping at a comma (which can be useful - sometimes)

   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

- This outputs a true or false value, depending on whether it has
   hit the 'end' of the file. In my code, I used it in the DoÔǪLoop for
   Read. When EOF=True, the loop ends.

Close #filenumber
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

- This closes the file. It allows other files to open this


And if you'll be getting real friendly with files in Visual
   Basic, here are a few other file writing functions you may be
   interested in:

Write #filenumber, outputlist
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

This is similar to Print but it writes "screen formatted data"
   instead of raw data to a file. This means that values (numbers) have
   hashes ("#") put around them and strings have quote marks put around
   them. This makes the text less human readable but easier to read for
   your programs.


The LOC function returns the current read/write position within
   an open file.

   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

The LOF function gives you the length of the file



This will give you next available file number.



MyFileNumber = FreeFile
Open "c:windowsfaq.txt" For Input as #MyFileNumber
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>
Input$(number_of_chars_to_return, #filenumber)
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

This is the same as Input and Line Input except it has no limits
   (except the ones you set in number_of_chars_to_return). By using LOF
   - this can be used to get the whole file. We could replace all the
   stuff in the DoÔǪLoop in the Read button, with:

Text1.Text = Input$(LOF(1),#1)
   face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size=-1>

Why not have a play around and see what these do? Go on, have a


That's about it for the Input, Output and Append modes.

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 99 times


Visual Basic 6


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