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Image 2 Ascii

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

The Image 2 Ascii converter allows you to load a photograph, and then generate an ascii image that looks simular to it. You can use this ascii version to post a picture of your self on news groups, message boards, email signatures, and more. No longer is text-only formatting a constraint for displaying photographs!

Original Author: Lewis Moten


The Image 2 Ascii converter allows you to load a photograph, and then generate
an ascii image that looks simular to it. You can use this ascii version to post
a picture of your self on news groups, message boards, email signatures, and more.
No longer is text-only formatting a constraint for displaying photographs!

Results are based on the Courier New font in 10 points. They can be displayed
with other font families as long as they are also a fixed width font such as "Lucidia Console".
This program has not been designed
around other font-families luminancy and may not appear with accurate results.

Works best on small black & white images. However, it will work with color
images by getting the average lumanancy from each hue like so:

(red + green + blue) / 3 = Average Lumanancy

Due to the odd shapes of the characters used, larger images will appear
better. However, these larger images will take more time to convert.
I suggest sticking around a size of 100x100 pixels and then working
from there. You may also notice that the final result appears ... tall
and skinny. This is because the ratio of the characters used in the font
are not the same as an individual pixel. To solve this problem, you may
want to streatch your image to be wider with a graphics editing program,
or shorten the height.

Sample of results you may achieve

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About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 126 times


Visual Basic 6

Posted: 9/3/2020 3:45:00 PM
Size: 50,310 bytes

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