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Open Source Proxy Server (vb6),nt-service,http(s),ftp,telnet,ssl,ras (cinaproxy) w9x/me/nt/2k/xp

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Complete proxy solution(source,docs) 1 connection to the internet and even more pc's in your lan that want to connect,too?: http-proxy, web-server (php-support,XML-support,dir),socks4/5,smtp relay, telnet-port-mapping, internet-mail support,remote admin via Crypto API, atomic syncer (uses settings from system), dyndns updater and many many more (full details see below) techniques used: winsock.ocx, crypto api, msxml, Java, rasapi,
ip-blocking,iphelper-api, own secure-socket layer, user-behavior, use as local adblock proxy, auto disconnect auto reconnect, flatrate support, RAS-Manager (also usable without proxy), http-logging and other protocols, fully customizable (YOU can modify the source), web-server for intranet (also usable for anti-virus pattern-files that has to be distributed via lan), collect your anti-virus-pattern-files on connect via ras, set your dynamic dy..dns ip,set online state....
more stable, more config, less errors
the cina proxy is a multifunctional proxy project completly written in vb6. project life time more than 2 years. good combination of techniques and algorithms shown in serveral other projects that have same aims. the project is just a tutorial how to design a smart proxy for your lan. it is not a solution, but it can solve serveral problems that might not sell your firewall. This project is just in alpha release phase, but if you are interested in proxy programming send your feedback and vote.Please vote and give feedback if this is the tool youa re looking for. it is not NAT or a firewall, but can be used beside ones.
-->service under 9x/Me/Nt/XP/2k
see Documentation at website...

Original Author: preneco


Download new
Release Stable V05

Sorry I couldn't
upload the source up to

so if you want the documentation please visit:

Project Home Page
or Source
Code and Installer

Using the Cina
Proxy Server Project

What can you do
with the code?

  • it's simple,
    this project and it's subprojects are examples what

    you can do with the cXPLib Library

    • a simple
      proxy server (Cina)

      • http,https

      • adblocker
        (ads, banners, cookies, javascript)

      • intelligent

      • ftp-gateway

    • a web server

      • what
        is cgi under visual basic

      • how
        to integrate php cgi module (php.exe)

      • how
        to integrate java-classes into your server (java.exe)

      • xml
        support (MSXML4, JAVA XERXES)

    • a smtp
      server (nslookup dns-server..)

    • a SOCKS4
      and SOCKS5 Server

    • a telnet

    • a multiple
      internet mail gateway (POP/IMAP/SMTP per User)

    • smartremote
      server for user-specific behavior of the proxy (level of ad-block, xml
      on/off...) and starting a ras-connection

    • flatrate-support
    • dynamic

    • dyndns-support
    • atomic
      time syncher for german time (

    • executes
      exes on ras-connect (like the silent anti-virus updater of Symantec)

    • can shutdown
      the server on demand and if it is not longer used

    • time management
      for ras-behavior

    • restriction
      and access management per server

    • ....

  • Tutorial for...

    • what can
      Winsock.ocx do within a Visual Basic Application

    • what can't
      Winsock.ocx do and what are problems

    • how can
      i make up a ras-connection (rasapi32.dll)

    • how can
      i dis2connect from lan

    • how can
      i run exes at dial up

    • how can
      i implement a atomic time sync-er

    • how can
      i implement a dyndns-updater

    • how can
      i get the ip-addresses and adapters from my system

    • how can
      i implement a secure socket (MS Crypto Api 2) and layers

    • how can
      i implement a winsock-pool that strikes back incoming requests

    • how can
      i use threads in vb (COM)

    • how can
      i use System-Tray (Admin/GoOnline)

    • how can
      i use transparent forms (bitmap regions on forms that are transparent)

    • how can
      i skin my apps

    • how can
      i paint on menues

    • how can
      i make a Server-Application

    • how can
      i make a Remote Client Agent

    • how can
      i use zlib zip compression utility 1.1.4

    • how can
      i use res-files and international ressources

    • ....
    • some project
      files from earlier releases (mail: pop2,imap,smtp with filesystem)

      but not supported any more.

  • why the GPL?

    • some of
      my modules contain procs that use algos from other talented

      programmers (from,,

      so i want to give everybody who's interested at hardcore visual basic

      possibility to check out the code freely.

      i think the gpl is a good alternative to freeware or adware.

      Also i do not commercially use the compilers and thats the point.

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 217 times


Visual Basic 6


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