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FileSystemObject Complete Ref.

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Here a description about FSO(File System Object) and howto use it

Original Author: d1rtyw0rm


Active X: Microsoft Scripting RunTime

FSO is there to help coder to work on file and directory.

The FSO model got 5 object

Drive - Folder - File - FileSystemObject - TextStream

Drive Object

Total Size : Disk Dimension

AvailableSizeFreeSpace : To get Free space of a disk

DriveLetter : Give the drive letter

DriveType : Give the type of a drive(fix,net,CD-Rom,etc...)

SerialNumber : give the serial number of a disk

FileSystem : NTFS,Fat,Fat32 etc.

IsReady : return True if drive is ready

VolumeName : ...

Exemple of use

Dim fso as new filesystemobject

dim d as drive

set d = fso.getdrive("c:") 'Creation of the drive object

msgbox d.totalsize

msgbox d.filesystem

Exemple of what the code will return 13gb, NTFS

FileSystemObject Object

CreateFolder : Create a directory

FolderExist : Return True if folder exist

GetParentFolder : Return parent name directory

Exemple of use

Dim fso as New FileSystemObject

fso.CreateFolder("C: estx")

msgbox fso.FolderExist("C: est")

msgbox fso.GetParentFolderName("C: estbb")

This example will first create the folder C: estx, after the first msgbox will return true cause we previously create the directory, the last msgbox will return 'C: est'.

Folder Object

Allows to manage the repertories

Delete : Delete a folder

Move : Move a folder

Copy : Copy a folder

Name : Name of the folder

Exemple of use

dim fso as new filesystemobject

dim r as folder

set r = fso.GetFolder("c:odsource")


r.copy "D:"


First we create the folder object, the msgbox return "odsource", after it copy the folder on D: drive, and delete the folder on c:odsource.

File Object

Allows to obtain information on a file

Attributes : Return the file attribute (read only,hidden etc.)

Copy : Copy a file

DataCreated : Return creation date

DateLAstModified : Return date of the last modification

Delete : Delete a file

Drive : return the drive where the file is

Move :allow to move the file

Name : return the file name

ParentFolder : return the parent folder name of the file

Path : Return the full file path(include the file name)

ShortNAme : return the short name of the file

Size : File dimention

Type : return file type

Exemple of use

dim fsoas new FileSystemObject

Dim f as File

Set f = fso.GetFile

msgBox f.type

msgbox f.DateCreated

msgbox f.Path

The first msgbox return "COM", second "11-08-2002", third ""

TextStream Object

Allow to manage a text file. Binary file cannot be managed by FSO.

Write : Write a text line without crlf

Write Line : Write a text line with crlf

WriteBlankLines : Write a number of crlf

Close : Close the file

Read : Reads a specific number of character

ReadLine : Read a complete line

ReadAll : Read complete file

Exemple of use

Dim fso As New FileSystemObject

Dim ts as TextStream

Dim s As String

'Creation of the text file'

Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("C:vbfdirtyworm.txt", ForWriting,True)

ts.WriteLine "d1rtyw0rm rul'Z"

ts.Write "http:\www.d1rtyw"

ts.Write ""


ts.WriteLine ""


'Open for adding'

Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("c:odsourcedirtyworm.txt",ForAppending)

ts.WriteLine "This line will be under"


'File Reading'

Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile("C:odsourcedirtyworm.txt", ForReading)

s = ts.Read(12)

MsgBox s 'Will print d1rtyw0rm ru'

s = ts.ReadLine 'Read the rest of the line'

s = ts.ReadAll

MsgBox s



About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 121 times


Visual Basic 6


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