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Hidden follow Hyperlink function

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Now think about this: you need to execute a PHP or ASP command on the internet. You dont want your user to notice anything (it's only raw data streaming over the net). What would you do? I have a simple answer..

Original Author: Joao Bettencourt


Hidden follow Hyperlink

...What a "bizarre" name?!

Now think about this: you need to execute a PHP or ASP command on the internet. You dont want your user to notice anything (it's only raw data streaming over the net). What would you do? I have a simple

Let's get to work!
Go to Components window on visual basic (Ctrl+T) and select the "Internet Transfer Control" (Inet
component). Now add a Inet component to a form.

This is what you have to write to tell the a.php file that the value of LOG variable is 18282, for

"", 1

Now let's suppose you just want to give a hit for a web counter every time the user clicks on command1 button:

Private Sub Command1_Click()?á

Inet1.OpenURL "", 1?á

End Sub

Why am I explaining this? It seems kinda obvious.. Well the problem is that many times we step over these obvious and small things and we forgot they can help us.

Speaking for myself.. It's the second time I needed to do something like this and my first thought was.. "I know.. i know.. i'm gonna do it with winsock... mmhhhmm.. no! the API! ... The Microsoft Internet Controls.. nahh....."

The real advantage of the Inet component is that you can follow the Hyperlink you want and it's not seen on Internet Explorer History or even seen by the user.

I sincerely hope this can help.. and if you think so, pls vote for it.?á

Happy Coding

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 111 times


Visual Basic 6


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