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Internet File Transfer From Website

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is a module for easily adding the ability to transfer a file from a webserver to a hard drive. Good for a "live update" type of functionality or for downloading banners to your program. By Erick Jones,

Original Author: webdataconsultants


You must provide a URL of the source file and a filename for the downloaded file name


First of all, this is a module. You'll have to add the module to your project. You also have to add a Microsoft Internet Transfer Control (and a Label1 Control if you are using the example below) to your form.
Label1.Caption = "Getting File..."
TransferFile = Xfer(Inet1, "", App.Path + "index.html")
Label1.Caption = InetStatus


InetStatus returns the status of the file transfer or an error if the transfer is unsuccessful.

API Declarations

Global TransferFile As Boolean
Global b() As Byte
Global InetStatus As String


'# Created 2002 Webdata Consultants #
'# You are free to use this module #
'# as long as you keep this header #
'# intact.       #
'#  #
'First of all, to use this module you have
'add a Microsoft Internet Transfer Control
'and a Label1 Control to your form.
'Label1.Caption = "Getting File..."
'TransferFile = Xfer(Inet1, "", App.Path + "index.html")
'Label1.Caption = InetStatus
Global TransferFile As Boolean
Global b() As Byte
Global InetStatus As String
Public Function Xfer(Inet1 As Inet, strURL As String, InputFile As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Inet1.AccessType = icUseDefault
Inet1.RequestTimeout = 10 'Higher number increases request timeout
b() = Inet1.OpenURL(strURL, icByteArray)
Open InputFile For Binary Access _
Write As #1
Put #1, , b()
Close #1
InetStatus = "Done"
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
  Case 75
   InetStatus = "Destination file is read-only."
  Case 35761
   InetStatus = "Request timed out. Please check your internet connection or try again later."
  Case Else
   InetStatus = "Error: " & Err.Number
End Select
End Function

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 131 times


Visual Basic 6


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