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Microsoft Agent How To - Basics

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This code is designed to show you some ofthe basic functions you can perform with Microsoft Agent. Microsoft Agent is that small animal/icon/character that sometimes appears on programs like the Microsoft Office paper clip.

Original Author: Dino Roger


'* Add the component "Microsoft Agent Control"
'* Add the comonent "Microsoft Agent Control" to the form
'* Add a text box alled TEXT1
'* Add a button called CMD_HIDE
'* Add a button called CMD_SHOW
'* Add a button called CMD_SPEAK
'* Add a button called CMD_ANIMATION
'* Add a button called CMD_STOP
'* Add a button called CMD_FREEZE
'* Add a button called CMD_SHOWHIDE
'* Add a button called CMD_SPEAKQUESTION
'* Add a list box called LST_ANIMATIONS
' You may need to install the merlin agent character if not already installed
'URL to download the character =
Private Sub cmd_freeze_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.Stop 'Will pause the current animation
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_speak_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
If Not Text1.Text = "" Then merlin.Speak Text1.Text 'Will speak whatever text that is entered in the text box if text is not blank
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_Hide_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.Hide 'Hides Merlin
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_Show_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.Show 'Shows Merlin in the screen
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_animation_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.Play lst_animations.Text 'Will play animation that is selected in the animations list box
End Sub
Private Sub cmd_Stop_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.Stop 'Will stop the animation - needed for some animations that have built in loop
merlin.Play "RestPose" 'Will reset Merlin's pose
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_speakquestion_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
If Not Text1.Text = "" Then merlin.Think Text1.Text 'Will speak whatever text that is entered in the text box if text is not blank. Will display in thought bubble.
End Sub
Private Sub Cmd_showhide_Click()
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.ShowPopupMenu 100, 100 'This will display a clickable HIDE button next to Merlin
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'You can specify other Microsoft Agents by pointing to a specific agent file.
'The agent file will have an ACS extension. Remove the quote from the following line and edit.
'Agent1.Characters.Load "Merlin", "C:MYAGENTMerlin.acs"

Agent1.Characters.Load "merlin", Path 'Needed to access Merlin commands - If you specify your own agent file, delete this line.
Set merlin = Agent1.Characters("merlin") 'Needed on every object that calls Merlin
merlin.LanguageID = &H409 'Sets 'Merlin language
merlin.Show 'Shows Merlin on the screen
'START - Fill list box with animations
'Listed this way to show all the animations.
lst_animations.AddItem "Acknowledge"
lst_animations.AddItem "Alert"
lst_animations.AddItem "Announce"
lst_animations.AddItem "Blink"
lst_animations.AddItem "Confused"
lst_animations.AddItem "Congratulate"
lst_animations.AddItem "Congratulate_2"
lst_animations.AddItem "Decline"
lst_animations.AddItem "DoMagic1"
lst_animations.AddItem "DoMagic2"
lst_animations.AddItem "DontRecognize"
lst_animations.AddItem "Explain"
lst_animations.AddItem "GestureDown"
lst_animations.AddItem "GestureLeft"
lst_animations.AddItem "GestureRight"
lst_animations.AddItem "GestureUp"
lst_animations.AddItem "GetAttention"
lst_animations.AddItem "GetAttentionContinued"
lst_animations.AddItem "GetAttentionReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "Greet"
lst_animations.AddItem "Hearing_1"
lst_animations.AddItem "Hearing_2"
lst_animations.AddItem "Hearing_3"
lst_animations.AddItem "Hearing_4"
lst_animations.AddItem "Hide"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle1_1"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle1_2"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle1_3"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle1_4"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle2_1"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle2_2"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle3_1"
lst_animations.AddItem "Idle3_2"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookDown"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookDownBlink"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookDownReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookLeft"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookLeftBlink"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookLeft"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookLeftBlink"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookLeftReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookRight"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookRightBlink"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookRightReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookUp"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookUpBlink"
lst_animations.AddItem "LookUpReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "MoveDown"
lst_animations.AddItem "MoveLeft"
lst_animations.AddItem "MoveRight"
lst_animations.AddItem "MoveUp"
lst_animations.AddItem "Pleased"
lst_animations.AddItem "Process"
lst_animations.AddItem "Processing"
lst_animations.AddItem "Read"
lst_animations.AddItem "ReadContinued"
lst_animations.AddItem "Reading"
lst_animations.AddItem "ReadReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "RestPose"
lst_animations.AddItem "Sad"
lst_animations.AddItem "Search"
lst_animations.AddItem "Searching"
lst_animations.AddItem "Show"
lst_animations.AddItem "StartListening"
lst_animations.AddItem "StopListening"
lst_animations.AddItem "Suggest"
lst_animations.AddItem "Surprised"
lst_animations.AddItem "Think"
lst_animations.AddItem "Thinking"
lst_animations.AddItem "Uncertain"
lst_animations.AddItem "Wave"
lst_animations.AddItem "Write"
lst_animations.AddItem "WriteContinued"
lst_animations.AddItem "WriteReturn"
lst_animations.AddItem "Writing"
'END - Fill list box with animations

'START - Merlin introduction
merlin.Play "Announce"
merlin.Play "RestPose"
merlin.Play "Explain"
merlin.Speak "Welcome to the Microsoft Agent how to VB6 snippet. Brought to you by"
merlin.Play "DoMagic1"
merlin.Play "DoMagic2"
merlin.Play "RestPose"
merlin.Play "Explain"
merlin.Speak "You can use my code to learn how to use Microsoft Agent in your own programs."
merlin.Play "Wave"
merlin.Play "RestPose"
'END - Merlin introduction
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 109 times


Visual Basic 6


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