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Get Hours, Minutes, AND Seconds between 2 Dates (or of total seconds)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This code will enable you to take two dates, find the total seconds in between them, and calculate the Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.

Original Author: Sparq


Dim H, M, S, Secs as Long

 Secs = DateDiff("s", Date1, Date2)

 H = Int(Secs / 3600)

 Secs = Secs - (H * 3600)

 M = Int(Secs / 60)

 Secs = Secs - (M * 60)

 S = Secs

 MsgBox Format(H, "00") & ":" & _

   Format(M, "00") & ":" & _

   Format(S, "00")

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 123 times


Visual Basic 6


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