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To help out who dont know about this virus and be always in update ...

Original Author: kegham


CIH Virus or known as Chernobyl
Creator Identified 30th April 1999 (NST)
Who is the coder: A former computer engineering student was identified in 30th April 1999 as the author of the Chernobyl virus that had caused hundreds of thousands of computer meltdowns around the world. The Tatung Institute of Technology had punished Chen Ing-hau last April when the virus he wrote as a student began to cause damage in an inter-college data system, according to Lee Chee-chen, the institute's dean of student affairs. The Chernobyl virus is known in Taiwan as the CIH, derived from Chen's initials. Chen, who was a senior at the time, was given a demerit but not expelled. The college did not mete out a more severe punishment because Chen had warned fellow students not to spread the virus, Lee added Chen did not come up with an anti-virus program, that's why he create this worm.
The CIH virus: attempts to erase the writable flash bios of infected PC's, and also overwrites the first 2,048 sectors (1,048,576 bytes) of all of the system's available non-removable writable disk drives! While this behavior places the CIH virus among the nastiest of all viruses, the damage is more recoverable than at first appears:
Date that can infect and operating systems: Every year between April 24 to 26 these 2 days are too dangerous that's mean the only way to escape is to be in updated with your antivirus program or to play with your system dat for example, you are in 22 april let it be 20 that's mean till it reach 24 probably it fake the virus execution and will not execute at its real time 24 or 26, another way to use in my case Symantec Norton FixCih removal tool can be obtained from , this virus also sometimes can be found in a vb source code or any instllaion program that obtained on cd or any other media device such as any hard drive or removable drives
Why I write this: The reason I wrote this that's because in 2002 I had a vb source code in my drive I don't know from where I obtain it I cant annoy his coder but actually it seems his pc either damaged like mine, so once afternoon I shut down my pc to took a rest and after 2 hours when I came to turn on my pc back I suddened by this message first ÔÇ£Operating system not foundÔÇØ known that fast I reformatted my hard drive and install every software needed when I reach my VGA driver it needed reboot but this time attacked me by a very painfull message saying ÔÇ£BIOS CHECKSUM ERRORÔÇØ I try to flash my bios but for bad nothing even no floppy reading so I lost a hard drive 15Gb and all my system board and cards just for unexpected thing like this L,so that's why I preferred to write this to my friends all over thre world in case you forget the date re remember it please and obtain fastly your removal tool and or update your AV software ..
Operating systems that can be infected: CIH can infect only systems that operate under windows 95/98/98se/Winme
Xp NT and 2003 wil not be infected at all J
Storty written by kegham
Nickname: The Boss

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 129 times


Visual Basic 6


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