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Visual D++ 4.1

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

A new generation of D++ is here, now you can code visual D++ applications, yeah thats right with forms and everything!

Original Author: Paul J. Murphy


After 2 weeks of programming i have finally finished Visual D++ 2.0. This is
based on D++ 4.1, but because D++ 4.1 is just a text based programming language,
i decided to give it command buttons, text boxes, list boxes etc.

I loosely based it on PowerBasics DDT, it looks the same although its quite
diffrent so i guess it cant really be called DDT, but its still really simple to
code with it, here is an example of code:

function main()



control add form 0 3825 1635 6630 to Form1;

control set Form1 form text to "Donuts DDE mIRC send";

control set Form1 form backcolor to "15279930";

control add Form1 label 144.4126 60.38464 396.6262 4574.137 to Label1;

control set Form1 label Label1 text to "Enter command you want to send to mIRC:";

control set Form1 label Label1 backcolor to "15279930";

control set Form1 label Label1 forecolor to "2152936";

control add Form1 command 1409.549 392.5002 762.7427 9053.167 to Command1;

control set Form1 command Command1 text to "Send to mIRC";

control add Form1 text 671.2136 75.4808 579.6845 9700.793 to text1;

control set Form1 text text1 text to "";

control set Form1 text text1 backcolor to "65280";


function Form1()


if Form1 = "UNLOAD" then




function Command1()


if command1 = "CLICK" then

newvar tosend;

control get Form1 text text1 text to tosend;

control set Form1 text text1 linksetting to "mIRC|command";

control set Form1 text text1 linkmode to "0";

control set Form1 text text1 linkitem to tosend;

control set Form1 text text1 linkmode to "2";

control set Form1 text text1 linkpoke;

control set Form1 text text1 linkmode to "0";

control set Form1 text text1 text to "";



90% of that code is already programmed with the Visual IDE that i made, so you
can just draw forms yourself, and place objects on it.

Here is the download location:

Unfortunately PSC doesnt allow links

Because d++ depends on a dppsecurity.dll to prevent other people ripping the
entire progamming language and putting their own name on it, so i cant upload it
to Planetsourcecode, but its completly virus free (i checked).

Please note: If you do vote, vote for the visual features and the code in
modDDT.bas, and the visual ide but not for the rest as the rest is all SquekMac's/Azures code, and please give us a visit on the pagemac forums,
D++ is getting more and more active now.

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 201 times


Visual Basic 6


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