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LaUnix Operating System v 0.0.1

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

First Unix was written in BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language). In 1973, Unix OS was rewitten in C.
Today, its visual basic language. LaUnix is future OS -- (3D OS, Internet kernel, kernel will be create by you) -- born in 2004. Verison 0.0.0 wasn't success product. Now, Verison 0.0.1 includes: ASM bootable OS disk, linux kernel bootdisk source code for C, and Visual Basic source code for console, calulator, notepad, etc. Be sure to compile at C:launixlaunix.exe. (not tested on XP & NT)
Tell me what you like/dislike about this program. I'll be working next verison. I'll be adding docs how to build 3d operating system. Don't forget to vote.

Original Author: Jimmy Lau


'To create operating system bootdisk. You need 'blank 1.44 disk. Your hard disks are not 'affected in any way. Always be sure you 'put "C:launixlaunix.exe" the code is not 'compete yet.

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 123 times


Visual Basic 6


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