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Frame 'flickering' in Windows XP Goodbye!

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This function change the CommandButton style to a BS_GROUPBOX to transform it like a Frame control! This solve many problems (bad drawning controls, flickering, etc.).

Original Author: gibra


When you use a Frame control on Windows XP where Themes is active (XP Style), there is some problems:
1) OptionButton is draw black
2) CommandButton is draw with black border
3) all controls contained on the frame 'flickering' when you move mouse over them.
This code show how to change a CommandButton style and use it like a Frame control.

API Declarations

'Module BAS declarations:
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" ( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, _
lParam As Any) As Long
Private Const BM_SETSTYLE As Long = &HF4
Private Const BS_GROUPBOX As Long = &H7&


Open a new project,
on Form1 add this controls:
- 1 CommandButton (Command1)
- 1 OptionButton (Option1)
- 1 TextBox (Text1)
- Set Form1.ClipControls = False
Add this code to Form1:
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Command1
.Caption = "Pseudo Frame"
.Left = 300
.Top = 300
.ZOrder 1
End With
With Text1
.Height = 330
.Left = 510
.Top = 600
End With
With Option1
.Height = 330
.Left = 510
.Top = 1050
End With
ChangeButtonStyle Command1, Me, 300, 300, 1800, 1800
End Sub
Add to Module this code
Public Sub ChangeButtonStyle(ByRef cmd As CommandButton, _
ByVal Parent As Object, _
Optional Left As Long = 0, _
Optional Top As Long = 0, _
Optional Width As Long = 0, _
Optional Height As Long = 0)
'/ Show a CommandButton like a Frame control.
'/ Also, set the backcolor text to the
'/ background color
On Error Resume Next
'/ Change the CommandButton style
SendMessage cmd.hWnd, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_GROUPBOX, 0
'/ Set the backcolor text to emulate the
'/ transparent background
cmd.BackColor = cmd.Container.BackColor
'/ IMPORTANT: Set the TabStop property to false
'/ otherwise when lost the focus pressing the TAB key
'/ the style is changed to CheckBox
'/ Also, the focus state don't need
'/ with this pseudo-frame.
cmd.TabStop = False
'/ Optionally, you can move and size the
'/ commandbutton (i.e. if you use a
'/ PictureBox as Container:
cmd.Move Left, Top, IIf(Width = 0, Parent.Width, Width), _
IIf(Height = 0, Parent.Height, Height)
'/ IMPORTANT: This property MUST to be
'/ set on Design-Time, otherwise
'/ has not effect!
'/ --------------------------------------
'/ Parent.ClipControls = False
'/ --------------------------------------
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 114 times


Visual Basic 6


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