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PantherXP 0.2 -

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Here is version 0.2 of the first Mac OS X 10.3 Panther Windows XP shell! If that doesn't describe it well enough, I'll go into detail, also including the changes in 0.2! -- If you have never tried or even seen Mac OS X 10.3 Panther, then try this and you'll get a little taste of the eye-candy and other wonderful functions of Panther. This is not quite ready for full Explorer.exe replacement, because for one the Finder Bar doesn't get all the menu's of the current window, although you might see that in 0.3! As for the dock, you may be wondering why the icons don't zoom (grow bigger) when you hover over them. Well then what I'm guessing is you haven't tried Panther, because when you first install it, the icons DON'T do that, although you can make it do that in the dock settings. What happens when you mouse over on an icon now is the text appears above the icon just like in Panther, also when you click an icon before the applications launches, the icon bounces, just like Panther :-). What's new in 0.2 is the recycle bin on the dock works (you can drag a file on it, and it's moved to the Windows recycle bin), there is a shadow coming from the Finder Bar, it is now compatible with all screen resolutions, although the shadow coming from the Finder Bar will not stretch if your using a screen resolution higher than 1024x768, I have removed some unnecessary timers and other controls to make it faster. And a few other small adjustments for increased performance in speed. There is also a new function for the bouncing of the icons instead of using timers to do it. Also I have formatted and commented it, as well as changed the names of controls for you to easier understand what's going on inside the code. I guess that wraps it up, that I can think of :-).
#If you wish to download PantherXP, go to # and go to the downloads# #section! I am paying for the hosting so you wont# #have problems downloading it. #

Original Author: Jesse Seidel (Dr. Fire)


If you wish to download PantherXP, goto and goto the downloads section! I am paying for the hosting so you wont have problems downloading it.

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 400 times


Visual Basic 6


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