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exact copy of mircs $gettok function

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

the same as the mirc gettok function - very usefull

Original Author: Hans Otto der dritte


' mIRC gettok func for vb
' (c) by diChter,
' usage: gettok(text, N, asciival char)
' example:
' MsgBox gettok(this-really-owns-yo-momma, "2-4", 45)
'  would return 'really-owns-yo'
' MsgBox gettok(this-really-owns-yo-momma, "3", 45)
'  would return 'owns'
Public Function gettok(t As String, n As String, c As Integer)
On Error Resume Next             ' just in case..
Dim splitted
splitted = Split(t, Chr(c))          ' splits text by token
If n = "0" Then                ' if n is 0 return num of tokens
  gettok = UBound(splitted) + 1
ElseIf InStr(n, "-") Then           ' if '-' is in n..
  Dim x As Integer, r As String
  If Right(n, 1) = "-" Then          ' if n format = x-
   n = Left(n, Len(n) - 1)
   For x = Int(n) To UBound(splitted) + 1  ' all tokens started from x
    r = r & Chr(c) & splitted(x - 1)
   gettok = Mid(r, 2)
  ElseIf Not Left(n, 1) = "-" Then      ' if format not = x- and not -x it should be x-x
   Dim splittedN
   splittedN = Split(n, "-")         ' split n to get x1 'n x2
   For x = splittedN(0) To splittedN(1)   ' all tokens from x1 to x2
    r = r & Chr(c) & splitted(x - 1)
   gettok = Mid(r, 2)
  End If
Else                     ' 1 token
  gettok = splitted(Int(n) - 1)
End If
End Function

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 114 times


Visual Basic 6


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