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You too can access all the properties/methods/events of the webbrowser + html object w/o 1 control!!

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

How you can access all the properties, methods, and
events of the html object libray/webbrowser control
with using any webbrowser or winsock or inet control.
Most people believe that in order to use these objects
you have to load some sort of browser object
into memory..which has always been problem for me
since i know that IE has a lot of security holes.
the secret basically lies in one method of the
HTMLobject library. it is the ".CreateDocumentFromURl"
It goes something like this

Original Author: Evan Toder


How you can access all the properties, methods, and

events of the html object libray/webbrowser control

with using any webbrowser or winsock or inet control.

Most people believe that in order to use these objects

you have to load some sort of browser object

into memory..which has always been problem for me

since i know that IE has a lot of security holes.

the secret basically lies in one method of the

HTMLobject library. it is the ".CreateDocumentFromURl"


It goes something like this


dim start_time as long



'set a reference to the

'Microsoft HTML object library



sub GetDocObject(byval sUrl as string )

  dim objHTML as new htmlDocument

  dim objDoc  as htmlDocument

   set objDoc=objHtml.CreateObjectFromUrl(sUrl)

'we now have to wait for the document to be set

'you probably want some sort of time out

'value in case of unforseen network problems

'otherwise you caught in the dreaded hanging


   start_time = getTickCount 'API call

   while objDoc.readystate <> "complete"

       '5 second timeout value

      if (gettickcount - start_time) > 5000 then

           exit sub

      end if



   'reaching this point in code means

   'the document object has been set

   'and you can handle it any way you

   'wish accessing its links, tables..whatever

   'for example

     dim lcnt as long

     dim upper as long

     dim oLink as htmlAnchorElement

     upper = objDoc.GetElementsByTagName("A").length -1

     if upper > 0 then

        for lcnt = 0 to upper-1

            set oLink = objDoc.GetElementsBytagName("A")(lcnt)

            list1.additem oLink.href

        next lcnty

     end if

end sub


About this post

Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 105 times


Visual Basic 6


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