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Professional Source Code?

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

SHOULD PSC Start a 'Professional Source Code' section?

Original Author: Grayda


The kind folk at Planet-Source-Code ran a poll some years ago, asking if they would like a subscription service in which all 'amature' code (Code that doesn't meet their standards, no offence intended for those who post to aid others in learning visual basic etc.) is eliminated, simply leaving high-quality code. The idea never really took off, because (I believe), people don't like to pay for anything :).
I am putting this topic back on the table, so to speak. Would fellow PSC-ers be interested in a FREE, professional section, which lets advanced programmers see what else they can do? (I know I'm constantly searching PSC for ideas for additions to my already bloated chat program PSC (Currently working it's way up the contest board, and is available to view at:, only to find simple (again, no offence) chat programs designed to show 'beginners' how to create a chat program)
If your interested in 'motivating' psc to do this for nothing, then please comment here, and even vote, so if this thing makes it onto the code-contest board, then more and more will see it, and maybe even the PSC folk may look at it and bring it up again in the PSC 'admin' circle
Please, no flames or criticism. This is NOT a cheap way to win votes, but to make PSC a better place for all. What do you think?

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Posted: 2003-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 191 times


Visual Basic 6


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