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ArrPtr/StrArrPtr function for vb5 and vb6 (FIXED!)

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This function returns a pointer to the SAFEARRAY header of any Visual Basic array, including a Visual Basic string array. Substitutes both ArrPtr and StrArrPtr. This function will work with vb5 or vb6 without modification. Normally you need to declare a VarPtr alias into msvbvm50.dll or msvbvm60.dll depending on the vb version, but this function will work with vb5 or vb6.

Original Author: Rde


ArrayPtr function for vb5 and vb6

Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
      (pDest As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal lByteLen As Long)

' + ArrayPtr ++++++++++++++++++++++++Rd+
' This function returns a pointer to the
' SAFEARRAY header of any Visual Basic
' array, including a Visual Basic string
' array.
' Substitutes both ArrPtr and StrArrPtr.
' This function will work with vb5 or
' vb6 without modification.

Public Function ArrayPtr(Arr) As Long
  ' Thanks to Francesco Balena and Monte Hansen
  Dim iDataType As Integer
  On Error GoTo UnInit
  CopyMemory iDataType, Arr, 2&
            ' get the real VarType of the argument, this is similar to VarType(), but returns also the VT_BYREF bit
  If (iDataType And vbArray) = vbArray Then      ' if a valid array was passed
    CopyMemory ArrayPtr, ByVal VarPtr(Arr) + 8&, 4& ' get the address of the SAFEARRAY descriptor stored in the second half of the Variant parameter that has received the array. Thanks to Francesco Balena.
  End If
End Function

' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 240 times


Visual Basic 6


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