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Arithmetic operations on memory address pointers

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Function to enable valid addition and subtraction of unsigned long integers. Treats the passed value as an unsigned long and returns an unsigned long. Allows safe arithmetic operations on memory address pointers. Assumes valid pointer and pointer offset. Rather fast too, has very small performance hit compared to unsafe in-line calculation, even in intensive loops. The code for addition came from PSC (LukeH) but I needed subtraction as well, thought I'd share. Confirmation that this produces valid results would be appreciated.

Original Author: Rde



' Used for unsigned arithmetic

Private Const DW_MSB = &H80000000 ' DWord Most Significant Bit


 ' + Sum Unsigned Long ++++++++++++++++++++++


 ' Enables valid addition and subtraction of unsigned long integers.

 ' Treats lPtr as an unsigned long and returns an unsigned long.

 ' Allows safe arithmetic operations on memory address pointers.

 ' Assumes valid pointer and pointer offset.


Private Function
SumUnsignedLong(ByVal lPtr As Long, ByVal lOffset As Long) As Long


lOffset > 0& Then

lPtr And DW_MSB Then             ' if ptr < 0

        SumUnsignedLong = lPtr + lOffset ' ignors > unsigned max (see assumption)


     ElseIf (
lPtr Or DW_MSB) < -lOffset Then

        SumUnsignedLong = lPtr + lOffset ' result is below signed int max


                                ' result wraps to min signed int

        SumUnsignedLong = (lPtr + DW_MSB) + (lOffset + DW_MSB)

     End If


lOffset = 0& Then

     SumUnsignedLong = lPtr


'If lOffset < 0 Then

     If (
lPtr And DW_MSB) = 0& Then      ' if ptr > 0

        SumUnsignedLong = lPtr + lOffset ' ignors unsigned < zero (see assumption)


     ElseIf (
lPtr - DW_MSB) >= -lOffset Then

        SumUnsignedLong = lPtr + lOffset ' result is above signed int min


                                ' result wraps to max signed int

        SumUnsignedLong = (lOffset - DW_MSB) + (lPtr - DW_MSB)

     End If

  End If

End Function


 ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


 ' Extract from the classic ShellSort algorithm


s1 As String, lpStr1 As Long

s2 As String, lpStr2 As Long


= VarPtr(s1)

= VarPtr(s2)


= VarPtr(sArr(lb))


 'lpLast = lpArr + ((ub - lb) * 4&)

= SumUnsignedLong(lpArr, (ub - lb) * 4&)



lpStr1, lpLast, 4&


   'CopyMemByV lpStr2, lpLast - lRange, 4&

lpStr2, SumUnsignedLong(lpLast, -lRange), 4&


   If StrComp
(s2, s1, eMethod) = eComp Then



About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 120 times


Visual Basic 6


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