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Kill Folder function with persistence

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

This is a Kill Folder function with persistence ... It will remove all sub-folders and files and then optionally delete the specified folder ... I found when removing all the files in the temp folder that some locked files would fail and cause it to not continue with the rest of the files ... This function will continue to remove all unlocked files, even after finding locked files. However, if locked files are found, the parent folder will also not get removed.

Original Author: Rde


Option Explicit


Private Declare Function
GetAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpSpec As String) As Long

Private Declare Function
SetAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpSpec As String, ByVal dwAttributes As Long) As Long


Private Const
DIR_SEP As String = ""





 ' This is a Kill Folder function with persistence.


 ' It will remove all sub-folders and files and then

 ' optionally delete the specified folder.


 ' I found when removing all the files in the temp folder

 ' that some locked files would fail and cause it to not

 ' continue with the rest of the files.


 ' This function will continue to remove all unlocked files,

 ' even after finding locked files. However, if locked files

 ' are found, the parent folder will also not get removed.




Public Function AddBackslash(sPath As String) As String

Right$(sPath, 1&) = DIR_SEP Then

     AddBackslash = sPath


     AddBackslash = sPath & DIR_SEP

  End If

End Function




Public Function
FolderExists(sPath As String) As Boolean

Attribs As Long

  Attribs = GetAttributes(sPath)


     FolderExists = ((Attribs And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory)

  End If

End Function




Public Function
KillFolder(sSpec As String, Optional ByVal bJustEmptyDontRemove As Boolean) As Boolean

sRoot As String, sDir As String, sFile As String

iCnt As Long, iIdx As Long


  If Not
FolderExists(sSpec) Then Exit Function


  ' Add trailing backslash if missing

  sRoot = AddBackslash(sSpec)

= 2& '.' '..'


  On Error Resume Next ' Ignore file errors

  sFile = Dir$(sRoot & "*.*", vbNormal)

  Do While LenB(sFile)

     SetAttributes sRoot & sFile, vbNormal

     Kill sRoot & sFile

     sFile = Dir$



  On Error GoTo HandleIt ' No error should occur in here

  Do: sDir = Dir$(sRoot & "*", vbDirectory)

     For iIdx = 1& To iCnt

        sDir = Dir$
'.' '..' ['fail']


LenB(sDir) = 0& Then Exit Do

KillFolder(sRoot & sDir & DIR_SEP) Then

     ' Sub-folder is now gone but Dir$ was reset

     ' during recursive call so Do Dir$(..) again

iCnt = iCnt + 1&

     ' Kill folder failed (remnant files) so skip

     ' this folder (iCnt + 1) to get the rest

     End If



bJustEmptyDontRemove = False Then RmDir sRoot ' Errors here if remnants


  KillFolder = Not FolderExists(sSpec)

End Function





About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 144 times


Visual Basic 6


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