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Formatted MsgBoxes

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

I got really tired of having MsgBoxes that reached across the screen to deliver one or two lines of text, so I decided to write a function that would keep them about the same width. The function will add line breaks to keep the length of each line about 70, with variation according to content. I tried to keep the context of the input about the same by only breaking at spaces, dashes, and underscores. The code's a little sloppy, in my opinion, but sadly I'm not even sure how to clean it up.

Original Author: unsticky


Public Function FormattedMsg(Prompt As String, Optional Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, Optional Title As String = "MsgBox") As VbMsgBoxResult
If Len(Prompt) > 80 Then
Dim L As Long, R As Long, LChr As String, RChr As String, Break As Long, tmp(1) As String
tmp(0) = Prompt
Prompt = ""
Do Until tmp(0) = ""
L = 69
R = 70
LChr = Mid(tmp(0), L, 1)
RChr = Mid(tmp(0), R, 1)
Do Until LChr = " " Or LChr = "-" Or LChr = "_" Or L = 1
  L = L - 1
  LChr = Mid(tmp(0), L, 1)
Do Until RChr = " " Or RChr = "-" Or RChr = "_" Or R = Len(tmp(0))
  R = R + 1
  RChr = Mid(tmp(0), R, 1)
Break = IIf(70 - L < R - 70, L, R)
tmp(1) = Left(tmp(0), Break) & vbCrLf
tmp(1) = IIf(Left(tmp(1), 1) <> " ", tmp(1), Mid(tmp(1), 2))
tmp(0) = Mid(tmp(0), Break)
If Len(tmp(0)) < 76 Then
  tmp(1) = tmp(1) & IIf(Left(tmp(0), 1) <> " ", tmp(0), Mid(tmp(0), 2))
  tmp(0) = ""
End If
Prompt = Prompt & tmp(1)
End If
FormattedMsg = MsgBox(Prompt, Buttons, Title)
End Function

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 185 times


Visual Basic 6


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