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Create shortcut

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Create Shortcut

Original Author: phuongthanh37


Shortcut Name, Target Name, Start In, SIcon...


Shortcut link to target name


Option Explicit
Function TaoShortCut(TenFileShortCut As String, sName As String, _
      Optional sParam As String, Optional sStratIn As String, _
      Optional sIcon As String, Optional sComment As String)
Dim OBJ As Object, oShellLink As Object
Set OBJ = CreateObject("")
Set oShellLink = OBJ.CreateShortcut(TenFileShortCut)
With oShellLink
  .TargetPath = sName
  .Arguments = sParam
  .WorkingDirectory = sStratIn
  If sIcon = "" Then sIcon = sName
  .IconLocation = sIcon
  .Description = sComment
End With
End Function
Function TaoShortCutOnDeskTop(TenFileShortCut As String, sName As String, _
      Optional sParam As String, Optional sStratIn As String, _
      Optional sIcon As String, Optional sComment As String)
Dim OBJ As Object, oShellLink As Object
Set OBJ = CreateObject("")
Set oShellLink = OBJ.CreateShortcut(TenFileShortCut)
Set oShellLink = OBJ.CreateShortcut(OBJ.SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "" & TenFileShortCut)
With oShellLink
  .TargetPath = sName
  .Arguments = sParam
  .WorkingDirectory = sStratIn
  If sIcon = "" Then sIcon = sName
  .IconLocation = sIcon
  .Description = sComment
End With
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
TaoShortCut "C:Short1.Lnk", "E:WINDOWSsystem32 otepad.exe", , , , "Create shortcut by phuongthanh37"
TaoShortCutOnDeskTop "Short2.lnk", "%SystemRoot%explorer.exe", "/e", "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%", "%SystemRoot%explorer.exe,1", "Create shortcut by phuongthanh37"
End Sub

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 126 times


Visual Basic 6


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