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How to Add a Right Click/Pop-up Mouse Menu.

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

Step by Step on how to How to Add a Right Click/Pop-up Mouse Menu to your project.

Original Author: KaveMan




How to Add a Right Click/Pop-up Mouse

Step 1:Start a New Standard .EXE Project
Step 2:Click on Tools > Menu editor (Opens Menu Editor Dialog)
Step 3:Put 'Menu1' in the Caption then put 'MenuOne' for the
   Name. Click the 'Next' Button.
Step 4:Put 'Test1' in the Caption then put 'TestOne' for the
   Name. Now click on the arrow that is pointing right (You should see four
   dots next to Test1). Then click the 'OK' button.
Step 5:Go to the Visual Basic Menu and click on View > Code and
   add this:
   Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

      If Button = 2 Then

         Form1.PopupMenu MenuOne

      End If

   End Sub
Step 6:Click on Run > Start (or press the 'F5' button on the
Notes:Button 1 = Left Mouse Button

   Button 2 = Right Mouse Button

   Button 3 = Explore Left Mouse Button

   Button 4 = Middle Mouse Button

   Button 5 = Explore Right Mouse Button


About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 119 times


Visual Basic 6


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