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List all files in a directory

Uses the new file FileSystemObject in the scripting library to list all the files in the c:inetpubscripts directory with a link to them. You can modify this code to list all the files in any directory.

Original Author: Ian Ippolito (vWorker)


/* Binary Tree Structure Template */
typedef struct binary_tree
char letter;
  struct binary_tree *left;
  struct binary_tree *right;
/* Function declarations */
TREE *fillTree(TREE *);
void insert(char, TREE **);
void menu(TREE *);
void displayInfo();
void inorder(TREE *);
void preorder(TREE *);
void postorder(TREE *);
int search(TREE *, char, int);
void freeTree(TREE *);
int deleteNode(TREE *, char);
/* Begin main function */
void main()
  TREE *root=NULL;            /* Create the root pointer */
root=fillTree(root);          /* Fill the tree */
  menu(root);              /* Pass menu root, and enjoy */
/* Begin fillTree function */
TREE *fillTree(TREE *root)
  FILE *fin=fopen("btree.dat","r");   /* Open data file & create FILE ptr */
  char letter;
  while(fscanf(fin,"%c",&letter)!=EOF)  /* Fill tree letter by letter */
  insert(letter, &root);
  return root;
/* Begin insert function */
void insert(char newLetter, TREE **root)
TREE *process;
  if(*root == NULL){
  process = (TREE *)malloc(sizeof(TREE));
   if(process!= NULL){
    process->letter = newLetter;
     process->left = NULL;
     process->right = NULL;
     *root = process;
    printf("Out of memory, can't insert letter. ");
  if(newLetter < (*root)->letter) insert(newLetter, &((*root)->left));
   else insert(newLetter, &((*root)->right));
/* Begin menu function */
void menu(TREE *root)
int choice, result, count;
  char target, process;
    case 1:         /* Traverse BST inorder */
     case 2:         /* Traverse BST in preorder */
     case 3:         /* Traverse BST in postorder */
     case 4:         /* Search BST for a node */
      printf(" Enter target to search for: ");
    flushall();     /* Clear input buffer */
    result=search(root, target, count);
    if(result==-1) printf(" Target does not exist.");
     printf(" Target %c found in %2d searches. ", target, result);
   case 5:         /* Count height of a node */
    printf(" Enter character to count height of: ");
    flushall();     /* Clear input buffer */
    result=search(root, target, count);
    if(result==-1) printf(" Target does not exist.");
     printf(" Character %c has a height of %2d.", target, result-1);
   case 6:         /* Insert node into BST */
    printf(" Enter character to insert into binary search tree: ");
    flushall();     /* Clear input buffer */
    printf(" The character %c was inserted.", process);
     case 7:         /* Delete node from BST */
      printf(" Enter character to delete from binary search tree: ");
    flushall();     /* Clear input buffer */
      result=deleteNode(root, process);
      if(result==0) printf(" Character doesn't exist.");
    else printf(" Character %c deleted.", process);
   case 8:         /* Au Revoir! */
    printf(" Have a nice day. Goodbye.");
   default:        /* Let user know they made an invalid choice */
    printf("Invalid selection ");
  } /* End switch */
}  /* End while */
/* Begin displayInfo function */
void displayInfo()
printf(" ");
puts("     Binary Search Tree Menu Options     ");
printf(" ");
printf(" 1 Display inorder traversal ");
printf(" 2 Display preorder traversal ");
printf(" 3 Display postorder traversal ");
printf(" 4 Search for a given node ");
printf(" 5 Count the height of a given node ");
printf(" 6 Insert a node onto the tree ");
printf(" 7 Delete a node from the tree ");
printf(" 8 Quit program ");
printf(" ");
printf("Enter your selection: ");
/* Begin inorder function */
void inorder(TREE *root)
if(root->left!=NULL) inorder(root->left);
if(root->right!=NULL) inorder(root->right);
/* Begin preorder function */
void preorder(TREE *root)
if(root->left!=NULL) preorder(root->left);
if(root->right!=NULL) preorder(root->right);
/* Begin postorder function */
void postorder(TREE *root)
if(root->left!=NULL) postorder(root->left);
if(root->right!=NULL) postorder(root->right);
/* Begin search function */
int search(TREE *root, char target, int count)
  if(root==NULL) return -1;         /* Target doesn't exist */
if(root->letter==target) return count;  /* Target found */
if(target > root->letter)
  return search(root->right, target, count);
if(target < root->letter)
  return search(root->left, target, count);
return 007;                /* Bond, James Bond */
/* Begin freeTempTree function */
void freeTree(TREE *root)
if(root!=NULL){        /* As long as root isn't null, recursively */
  freeTree(root->left);   /* travel tree in postorder freeing the   */
   freeTree(root->right);   /* nodes as you go.             */
/* Begin deleteNode function */
int deleteNode(TREE *T_ptr, char target)
  int  rt_child = 0, lft_child = 0;
  TREE *ptr = T_ptr, *parent = T_ptr, *S = T_ptr, *save = T_ptr;
  |        Find the node
  while (ptr != NULL && ptr->letter != target) {
   parent = ptr;
   if (target < ptr->letter) ptr = ptr->left;
   else ptr = ptr->right;
  if (ptr == NULL) return 0;  /* Nothing to delete */
  else if (S->letter == target && (S->left == NULL || S->right == NULL))
   S = (S->left == NULL) ? S->right : S->left;
   |   Delete a node without a left child
   if (ptr->left == NULL)
     if (target < parent->letter) parent->left = ptr->right;
     else parent->right = ptr->right;
   |   Delete a node without a right child
   else if (ptr->right == NULL)
     if (target < parent->letter) parent->left = ptr->left;
     else parent->right = ptr->left;
   |   Delete a node with both chidren--use RsmallestS subtree.
   else {
     save = ptr;
     parent = ptr;
     if ((ptr->left) >= (ptr->right)) {
      ptr = ptr->left;       /* Delete from left subtree.*/
      while (ptr->right != NULL) {
        rt_child = 1;
        parent = ptr;
        ptr = ptr->right;
      save->letter = ptr->letter;
      if (rt_child) parent->right = ptr->left;
      else parent->left = ptr->left;
     else {             /* Delete from right subtree.*/
      ptr = ptr->right;
      while (ptr->left != NULL) {
        lft_child = 1;
        parent = ptr;
        ptr = ptr->left;
      save->letter = ptr->letter;
      if (lft_child) parent->left = ptr->right;
      else parent->right = ptr->right;
   return 1;         /* Indicates successful deletion */

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 175 times




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