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Client-Side Form Field Validation with VBScript and ASP

Form field validation is one of the most important functions in making successful web-based applications, but server-side validation is not always the answer!

Original Author: Glenn Cook


Client-Side Form Field Validation with VBScript
and ASP

Form field validation is one of the most
important functions in making successful web-based applications. It protects
your database from errors, filters bad data, and forces the user to think twice
before submitting data with typos. For some reason though, documentation in many
VBScript and JavaScript books on the market tend to gloss over this issue. I
think it might be that field validation scripting is somewhere between learning
the basics but not complicated enough for the advanced literature. The ASP books
cover server-side validation (Remember? It
's a server-side
scripting language.) but this is not always an ideal approach to validating
data. The problems with server-side validation are that it bogs down your server
resources when the user could handle the routines locally, and it offers a
slower response time for the user when it actually finds errors. This tutorial
is designed to take the load off the servers for a while and get the beginning
weblication programmer closer to the intermediate level and beyond. Have fun!

The goal of the script:

When I click the submit button I want my script
to check the field data in my form and either:

  1. Submit the data if it all looks good
  2. Show an alert box and do not send the data.

You  need a few tools:

  • The OnSubmit event.
  • A form name in your HTML code (e.g. <form
       ACTION="vbsample.asp" name="
  • A Submit Button: (e.g. <input
    Submit Info!"

  • An Input Box with name: (e.g. <input
  • Some "If..Then" statements
  • An "Alert Box"
  • The secret. (I love suspense.)

Let's see it work before we get into the guts of

  1. Type your name and submit!
  2. Enter nothing and submit!
  3. Enter one character and submit!







<-- Option Explicit


dim validation


dim header


header =

    first thing you want to do is tell the browser that the code you are
    about to run is VBScript.   The next thing you want to do is make
    some variables that we are going to use in our routine.

    The "validation" variable is going to
    be used to help us determine whether we should send the form or not. 
    It will can be equal to either "True" or "False" (By
    the way, that's pretty much the secret ingredient!

    The "Header" variable I will use to
    hold the string information for a MsgBox property.


validation =

    next thing you want to do is make a function that is
    going to be called when a user clicks the "Submit Info"
    button. The function needs to be bound to your form name and the OnSubmit
    event so VB knows what it is that you are trying to submit.  I have
    named my form...."MyForm"

    I have also made my "validation" variable equal to
    "True."   I will follow this with some
    "If...Then" statements that will try to change the variable to
    Len(Document.MyForm.MyBox.Value) > 2 Then


MsgBox "You have
    entered too many characters!  You need fewer characters before I
    will submit this form",8, Header


validation = False


End If

    first "If...Then" basically says that If the Length
    of the value of the contents of Mybox
    in the form Myform within the current document
    is less than five characters Then show the Message Box(MsgBox).
    The properties of the message box include the message string, then the
    type of message box(8), and I add the header
    message.  The next thing I do is make our validation variable equal
    to False. You'll see why in a second.

    The last thing I do is End this If statement.
    (Document.MyForm.MyBox.Value) = "" Then


MsgBox "You have
    forgotten to fill in the input box!  Why would you want to submit
    nothing in a one field form? C'mon, give me   something to work
    with!",8, Header


validation = False


End If

    this "If..Then" I make sure the user has at least entered
    something into the text input box.  If they haven't they will get a
    message box and once again the validation variable will be made equal to
    validation = True Then


MyForm_OnSubmit =




MyForm_OnSubmit =


End If


End Function



    last part of this routine is the secret.

    All I do is test to see if any "If..Then" statement has
    made my validation variable equal to something other than
    "True".  If the validation
    variable equals "True" then MyForm_OnSubmit
    also equals "True."  If the variable
    equals something else other than "True" Then MyForm_OnSubmit
    will equal "False."   If the Function
    equals "False" then the OnSubmit event will not execute and
    the user is prompted to fix their mistake. Otherwise, the OnSubmit event
    fires and the form data is posted to the page that will
    process the submitted form. Simple!


Finally, End your If,
    tell VBScript to end the Function, and close the script
    with the SCRIPT tag.


Now granted, this is is a very simple example
and in a real-world application you might have ten to twenty form fields to
validate.   Although there is potential for your script becoming quite
complicated you can use some subroutines that do some work for you. 

Function MyForm_OnSubmit

Check(Document.MyForm.Company.Value,     "Please enter
a company name.")

Call Check(Document.MyForm.Name.Value,    
"Please enter a name.")

Sub Check(ByVal FieldValue, ByVal

        If FieldValue = "" Then

message, 8, Header

            validation =

            End If

        End Sub


About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 108 times




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