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Domain Redirect

This is a basic redirection script based on the domain name. It is usefull if you are hosting multiple sites from one IP address.

Original Author: Darryl Brown


Insert your site names in the Select Case statement to replace the Your-Site, Your-Next-Site & Default-Site text. You can add to the select case for additional sites.


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% response.buffer = true %>
'~ Script: | Domain Redirect
'~ Language: | ASP/VBScript
'~ Version: | 1.0
'~ By: | Darryl A. Brown
'~ Contact: |
'~ Copyright: | Darryl A. Brown
'~ Released: | April 12, 2000
'~ By using this software, you have agreed to the license
'~ agreement packaged with this program. This script is
'~ provided without warranty.
'Set up the redirect variables
Dim strURL 'This is the URL the user typed into the browser
Dim strSiteName 'This is the domain name
Dim intEPos 'This is the position of the remaining dot

strURL = Request.servervariables("HTTP_HOST")

intURLLen = len(strURL)
If inStr(1, UCase(strURL), "WWW") > 0 Then
  strURL = Right(strURL, (intURLLen - 4))
End If

intEPos = inStr(1, strURL, ".")

strSiteName = UCase(Mid(strURL, 1, (intEPos - 1)))

'Insert your site names in the Select Case statement below to
'replace the Your-Site, Your-Next-Site & Default-Site text.
'Feel free to add to the select case for additional sites.
Select Case strSiteName
  Case "Your-Site"
   Response.redirect ""
  Case "Your-Next-Site"
   Response.redirect ""
  Case Else
   Response.redirect ""
End Select

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 114 times




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