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Connect 4

This code will enable you to, in ASP, play a game of connect 4 with 2 people sitting at the same PC.

Original Author: Steve Fitzpatrick


Just a click




Calculates when a winning line has been entered.

Side Affects


API Declarations

This is visitware, you are permitted to use the ware, as long as you wisit the author's other site at


'Initialise variables
dim NewMatrix(12,14)

'Initialise matrix for start of game
for counterrow = 1 to 12
for countercol = 1 to 14
NewMatrix(counterrow, countercol) = 0
session("matrix") = NewMatrix
session("player") = 1
response.redirect "connect4.asp"

''Connect 4 in ASP written by Steve Fitzpatrick April 2000
''Program is for 2 players sitting at the same pc    
''This program is freeware and may be freely distributed so
''long as this banner remains at the top of the source code
''Contact Steve Fitzpatrick at
''Website is
dim player
dim counterrow
dim countercol
dim row
dim col
dim theimage
dim matrix
dim onebelow
dim flagged
player = session("player")
matrix = session("matrix")
flagged = 0
row = request.querystring("row")
col = request.querystring("col")
if player mod 2 = 1 then
matrix(row,col) = 1
matrix(row,col) = 10
end if


<%for row = 4 to 9%>

for col = 4 to 10
if matrix(row,col) = 1 then theimage="images/c4blue.gif"
if matrix(row,col) = 10 then theimage="images/c4red.gif"
if matrix(row,col) = 0 then theimage="images/c4non.gif"
if row = 9 then
onebelow = true
if matrix(row+1,col) = 0 then
onebelow = false
onebelow = true
end if
end if
if matrix(row,col) = 0 and onebelow=True then %>

<% else %>

<% end if %>


'Code to check if 4 have been placed in a row, can only happen after the 7th go at teh earliest.
if player>= 7 then
'declare target sum of 4 adjascent squares (4 for player one, 40 for player two)
dim target
if player mod 2 = 1 then target = 4
if player mod 2 = 0 then target = 40
dim total1, total2, total3, total4

'declare constant for check algorithm
dim k

row = request.querystring("row")
col = request.querystring("col")

'Check for 4 in a row - Killer Bob style
for k = 0 to 3
total1 = matrix(row-k,col) + matrix(row-k+1,col) + matrix(row-k+2,col) + matrix(row-k+3,col)
total2 = matrix(row,col-k) + matrix(row,col-k+1) + matrix(row,col-k+2) + matrix(row,col-k+3)
total3 = matrix(row-k,col-k) + matrix(row-k+1,col-k+1) + matrix(row-k+2,col-k+2) + matrix(row-k+3,col-k+3)
total4 = matrix(row+k,col-k) + matrix(row+k-1,col-k+1) + matrix(row+k-2,col-k+2) + matrix(row+k-3,col-k+3)
if ((total1=4) or (total2=4) or (total3=4) or (total4=4) or (total1=40) or (total2=40) or (total3=40) or (total4=40)) and flagged=0 then
response.write "player " & (player mod 2) +1 & " wins!"
flagged = 2

Click here for a new game
end if
end if
if (player=43 and flagged=0) then
flagged = 2

It's a draw!!

Click here for a new game
end if
player = player + 1
session("row") = row
session("col") = col
session("matrix") = matrix
session("player") = player

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 115 times




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