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VBScript Tutorial: Chapter 4--Frames and Forms and Elements, Oh My!

One of the most common uses of scripting is to respond to events from a form, such as typing text into a text box or checking data when the Submit button is pressed. There are two ways to reference form elements...this chapter tells you how.

Original Author: David M. Carr


Frames and Forms and Elements, Oh My!

One of the most common uses of scripting is to respond to events from a form, such as
typing text into a text box or checking data when the Submit button is pressed. There are
two ways to reference form elements. First, you can reference them through the Object
Model. Document.Form(0).Elements(1).Value refers to the Value property of the second
element in the first form on the page. You can determine the number of forms in the page
using Document.Forms.Count, and can determine the number of elements in the first form
using Document.Forms(0).Elements.Count.

This is an awkward way of referring to elements. Instead, if you include a Name
attribute in the form and element's HTML tags, you can refer to it by that.

<FORM NAME="aForm">



This element's Value could be referenced using aForm.txtGreet.Value

Unless you are write exclusively for IE4+, you should always put form elements in a
form, and use the NAME attribute for them rather than the ID attribute.

Form elements expose both properties and events. The following example shows this.

Sub txtFred_OnFocus()

    With aForm.txtGreet

        If .Value = "Hello" Then

            .Value =


            .Value =

        End If

    End With

End Sub

The onFocus event fires whenever the element becomes active for input, such as by
clicking it or tabbing to it. With is a keyword which allows the use of relative
references. Normally, it would be necessary to use aForm.txtGreet.Value all three times,
but it is much simpler to use with. Another way to do this would be to use the Set
keyword. It makes a variable into a shortcut to another object. Ex:

Sub txtFred_OnFocus()

    Dim theCtl

    Set theCtl = aForm.txtGreet

        If theCtl.Value = "Hello" Then

            theCtl.Value =


            theCtl.Value =

        End If

    End With

End Sub

Here is an example of using VBScript to check user form input.

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/vbscript" LANGUAGE="VBScript">


Function lycosForm_OnSubmit()

    If Len(lycosForm.query.Value) = 0 Then

        lycosForm_OnSubmit = False

        Alert "You must enter a keyword."

        Exit Function

    End If

    If = "null" Then

        lycosForm_OnSubmit = False

        Alert "You must choose a search

        Exit Function

    End If

End Function



<form action="" method=GET



<OPTION value="null">Please Choose a Search Type</OPTION>

<OPTION value="lycos">The Web</OPTION>

<OPTION value="sounds">Sounds</OPTION>

<OPTION value="graphics">Pictures</OPTION>

<OPTION value="point">TOP 5%</OPTION>

</SELECT> for:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="query"

<input type="submit" value="Go Get It"></form>

And here is the result. A form which searches Lycos, but won't submit unless you've
chosen a search type, and typed in a keyword.

Search for:

Note: This is a variation of the search form that Lycos makes
available for use on other people's pages.

Notice that here, I treated the event as a Function rather than a Sub. Is you want to
be able to cancel an event, that is how you do it, by making it a function and then
returning either True or False, False canceling the event.

Window.Frames is like Document.Forms, in that it can contain multiple instances that
can be referred to by name or index, and has a Count property.  The difference is
that while Forms contain Elements, Frames contain a Document object.

Frames are much like windows. The contain a document, and can contain other frames. In
fact, in almost all ways, you can treat a frame as if it was a window.

You can refer from one frame to another by using the Window.Parent object. It points at
the window above it.

Frames are supported in NN2+ and IE3+, and are part of the HTML4 specification. For
scripting, though, floating frames are even more useful than regular frames. The IFRAME
tag allows you to make a frame which sits in the middle of a page, like an image. It is
supported by IE3+, and is not part of HTML4. They are referred to in the same way as
regular frames.

Below is an example of a scripted floating frame.


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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 103 times




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