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Advanced SQL Query Builder

This code lets visitors to your site perform complex queries. Users may choose if specific words (or phrases) must or must not match - or if they are optional (default).

Original Author: Lewis E. Moten III


asFieldsAry - An array of field names in database to search.
asKeywords - The actual query that the user types to query the database.
Keyword Search Parameters
To find fields that may have a word in them
OR roger
| roger
To find fields that must match a word
AND roger
+ roger
& roger
To find fields that must not match a word
NOT roger
- roger
Also use phrases
+"rogers dog" -cat
+(rogers dog)


It is assumed that the user knows how to build an array of field names and understand that syntax of SQL queries along with how to connect to databases. This procedure has only been tested with SQL Servers and Access databases.


Returns just the SQL arguments within a group that are to be places after the WHERE Clause.

Side Affects

This function uses the RegExp object that was introduced in vbScript 5.0 that came out with Internet Explorer 5.0. The vbScript can be installed without installing Internet Explorer by going to the subdirectory "Scripting" on the microsoft site.

API Declarations

Copyright (C) 1999, Lewis Moten. All rights reserved. Any modifications must be sent to me so that I may review and add them to the procedure as I feel fit.


Function BuildQuery(ByRef asFieldAry, ByVal asKeyWords)
Dim loRegExp ' Regular Expression Object (requires vbScript 5.0)
Dim loRequiredWords ' Words that MUST match within a search
Dim loUnwantedWords ' Words that MUST NOT match within a search
Dim loOptionalWords ' Words that AT LEAST ONE must match
Dim lsSQL ' Arguments of SQL query that is returned (WHERE __Arguments___)
Dim lnIndex ' Index of an array
Dim lsKeyword ' Keyword or Phrase being worked with
' An error may occur within your script
' Even if you do not call this function
' If you do not have vbScript 5.0 installed on your server
' because of the next line.

' Create regular Expression
Set loRegExp = New RegExp
' Match more then once
loRegExp.Global = True

' Every letter is created equal (uppercase-lowercase = same)
loRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
' pull out keywords and phrases that MUST match within a search
loRegExp.Pattern = "((AND|[+&])s*[([{""].*[)]}""])|((ANDs|[+&])s*[-w']+)"
Set loRequiredWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
asKeywords = loRegExp.Replace(asKeywords, "")
' pull out keywords and phrases that MUST NOT match within a search
loRegExp.Pattern = "(((NOT|[-])s*)?[([{""].*[)]}""])|(((NOTs+|[-])s*)[-w']+)"
Set loUnwantedWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
asKeywords = loRegExp.Replace(asKeywords, "")
' pull out keywords and phrases that must have AT LEAST ONE match within a search
loRegExp.Pattern = "(((OR|[|])s*)?[([{""].*[)]}""])|(((ORs+|[|])s*)?[-w']+)"
Set loOptionalWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
asKeywords = loRegExp.Replace(asKeywords, "")
' If at least 1 required word was found
If Not loRequiredWords.Count = 0 Then


' Open a new group
lsSQL = lsSQL & "("

' loop through each keyword/phrase
For lnIndex = 0 To loRequiredWords.Count - 1
' Pull the keyword out
lsKeyword = loRequiredWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
' Strip boolean language
loRegExp.Pattern = "^(AND|[+&])s*"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""[]{}]"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")

' Double Quote Keyword
lsKeyword = Replace(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
' If we are not working with the first keyword
If Not lnIndex = 0 Then

' append logic before the keyword
lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND "

End If ' Not lnIndex = 0

' Append SQL to search for the keyword within all searchable fields
lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ") & " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
Next ' lnIndex

' Close the group
lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
End If ' Not loRequiredWords.Count = 0
' If at least 1 optional word was found
If Not loOptionalWords.Count = 0 Then
' If the SQL query is not yet defined
If lsSQL = "" Then

' Open a new group
lsSQL = "("

' Else SQL query has content

' Append logic before the group
lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND ("

End If ' lsSQL = ""
' loop through each keyword/phrase
For lnIndex = 0 To loOptionalWords.Count - 1
' Pull the keyword out
lsKeyword = loOptionalWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
' Strip Boolean Language
loRegExp.Pattern = "^(OR|[|])s*"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""[]{}]"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")

' Double Quote the keyword
lsKeyword = Replace(lsKeyword, "'", "''")

' If we are not working with the first keyword
If Not lnIndex = 0 Then

' Append Logic before the keyword search
lsSQL = lsSQL & " OR "

End If ' Not lnIndex = 0

' Append SQL to search for the keyword within all searchable fields
lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ") & " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
Next ' lnIndex

' Close the group
lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"

End If ' Not loOptionalWords.Count = 0
' If at least 1 Unwanted word was found
If Not loUnwantedWords.Count = 0 Then
' If the SQL query is not yet defined
If lsSQL = "" Then

' Open a new group
lsSQL = "("

' Else SQL query has content

' Append logic before the group
lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND NOT ("

End If ' lsSQL = ""
' loop through each keyword/phrase
For lnIndex = 0 To loUnwantedWords.Count - 1
' Pull the keyword out
lsKeyword = loUnWantedWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
' Strip Boolean Language
loRegExp.Pattern = "^(NOT|[-])s*"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""[]{}]"
lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")

' Double Quote the keyword
lsKeyword = Replace(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
' If we are not working with the first keyword
If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
' Append Logic before the keyword search
lsSQL = lsSQL & " OR "
End If ' Not lnIndex = 0

' Append SQL to search for the keyword within all searchable fields
lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ") & " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
Next ' lnIndex

' Close the group
lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
End If ' Not loUnwantedWords.Count = 0
' If arguments were created
If Not lsSQL = "" Then

' Encapsilate Arguments as a group
' in case other aguments are to be appended
lsSQL = "(" & lsSQL & ")"

End If ' Not lsSQL = ""

' Return the results
BuildQuery = lsSQL
End Function ' BuildQuery

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 108 times




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