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Debug QueryString

Just used for debugging querystring data. Creates an orderd list of field names and the values assigned to each one.

Original Author: Lewis E. Moten III

API Declarations

Copyright (c) 2001, Lewis Moten. All rights reserved.


Response.Write QueryStringData()
Function QueryStringData()
Dim llngMaxFieldIndex
Dim llngFieldIndex
Dim llngMaxValueIndex
Dim llngValueIndex
Dim lstrDebug
' Count QueryString
llngMaxFieldIndex = Request.QueryString.Count

' Let user know if QueryString do not exist
If llngMaxFieldIndex = 0 Then
QueryStringData = "QueryString data is empty."
Exit Function
End If

' Begin building a list of all QueryString
lstrDebug = "


    ' Loop through each QueryString
    For llngFieldIndex = 1 To llngMaxFieldIndex
    lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
  1. " & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString.Key(llngFieldIndex))

    ' Count the values
    llngMaxValueIndex = Request.QueryString(llngFieldIndex).Count

    ' If the Field doesn't have multiple values ...
    If llngMaxValueIndex = 1 Then
    lstrDebug = lstrDebug & " = "
    lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString.Item(llngFieldIndex))
    ' Else loop through each value
    lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
      For llngValueIndex = 1 to llngMaxValueIndex
      lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
    1. "
      lstrDebug = lstrDebug & Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString(llngFieldIndex)(llngValueIndex))
      lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
    2. "
      lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
    End If
    lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
  2. "
    lstrDebug = lstrDebug & "
' Return the data
QueryStringData = lstrDebug

End Function

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 89 times




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