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Universal Email Interface

Lays down a universal interface to sending email. Easier to port to other servers that use different COM objects to send email. Even exposes a list of ProgID's that are installed on the server. (This is the beginnig. But I am sure you can see where the benefit of this code is going)

Original Author: Lewis E. Moten III


Class clsEmail

Public SenderName
Public SenderAddress
Public RecipientName
Public RecipientAddress
Public Subject
Public Message
Public Host
Public ProgID
Public LogonUsername
Public LogonPassword

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' Setup default values
SenderAddress = Application.Value("Settings-Email-Address")
SenderName = Application.Value("Settings-Email-Name")
Host = Application.Value("Settings-Email-Server")
ProgID = Application.Value("Settings-Email-ProgID")
End Sub

Public Property Get Installed()
Dim llngIndex
Dim llngMaxIndex
Dim lstrProgIDs
Dim lstrProgIDAry
Dim lstrPairAry
Dim lstrInstalled
Dim lobjTest

On Error Resume Next

lstrProgIDs = _
"CDONTS.NewMail:Collaborative Data Objects for NT;" & _
"SMTPsvg.Mailer:Server Objects - ASPMail/ASPQMail"
' "POPsvb.Mailer:Server Objects - ASP Pop3;" & _
' "SoftArtisans.SMTPMail:Software Artisans - SMTP Mail;" & _
' "Jmail.smtpmail:w3 JMail;" & _
' "Persists.MailSender:Persists - ASPEmail;" & _
' "dkQmail.Qmail:dkQmail;" & _
' "Geocel.Mailer:GeoCel;" & _
' "iismail.iismail.1:IISMail;" & _
' "SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1:SMTP;" & _
' "ocxQmail.ocxQmailCtrl.1:OCXQMail;" & _
' "Dundas.Mailer:Dundas - ASPMailer;" & _
' "EasyMail.SMTP.5:Quicksoft - EasyMail"
lstrProgIDAry = Split(lstrProgIDs, ";")

llngMaxIndex = UBound(lstrProgIDAry)

For llngIndex = 0 To llngMaxIndex
lstrPairAry = Split(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex), ":")
Set lobjTest = Server.CreateObject(lstrPairAry(0))
If Err Then
lstrInstalled = lstrInstalled & lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex) & ";"
End If

If Right(lstrInstalled, 1) = ";" Then
lstrInstalled = Left(lstrInstalled, Len(lstrInstalled) - 1)
End If

Installed = lstrInstalled

End Property
Public Sub Send()

If ProgID = "" Then
Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 1, "clsEmail.asp", "The ProgID has not been defined.")
Exit Sub
End If

Dim lobjMailer

Set lobjMailer = Server.CreateObject(ProgID)

If SenderName = "" Then SenderName = SenderAddress
If RecipientName = "" Then RecipientName = RecipientAddress

Select Case LCase(ProgID)
Case "cdonts.newmail"
lobjMailer.From = SenderName & "<" & SenderAddress & ">"
lobjMailer.To = RecipientName & "<" & RecipientAddress & ">"
lobjMailer.Subject = Subject
lobjMailer.Body = Message
Case "smtpsvg.mailer"
Call lobjMailer.AddRecipient(RecipientName, RecipientAddress)
lobjMailer.RemoteHost = Host
lobjMailer.FromAddress = SenderAddress
lobjMailer.FromName = SenderName
lobjMailer.Subject = Subject
lobjMailer.BodyText = Message
Case Else
Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 2, "clsEmail.asp", "The ProgID """ & ProgID & """ is not registered.")
End Select

Set lobjMailer = Nothing
End Sub
End Class
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 118 times




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