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Web Methodology (Layout Management)

When you are develop some system in web, you must construct the skeleton of your front end, especially the layout.

This methodology will decrease of your developing times. such as you made a house, you must had a blue print & define the skeleton first. after that you improve it.

This management's using XML + XSLT Technology, DHTML, HTML & ASP. Going in depth

Original Author: Sunker


'This is virtual LDAP
Dim HomeDomain,sLocation
HomeDomain = Virt_Root
'set your static XML files
'Writer: Sunker
function SearchXML(Svocab)
sLocation = HomeDomain & "Template/"
select case (Svocab)
case "left"
SearchXML = sLocation & "left.xml"
case "coding"
SearchXML = sLocation & "coding.xml"
case "manager"
SearchXML = sLocation & "manager.xml"
end select
end function
'set your static XSL files
'Writer: Sunker
function SearchXSL(Svocab)
sLocation = HomeDomain & "Layout/"
select case (Svocab)
case "general"
SearchXSL = sLocation & "general.xsl"
end select
end function

More info, please click link here:

Web Methodology

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 97 times




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