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MEL :: Collection of Useful String Functions

Collection of functions to deal with strings, including to capitalize, format, compare, parse links, check arrays and others. This is an added value to any existing string library. If you have comments or suggestions please do. Let me know this has been useful to you by voting for me or linking back to my website.

Original Author: Melvin D. Nava


' client user agent (navigator)
' & operating system variables
' use it in your apps
ua = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
os = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_UA_OS")
' short replacement for
' Response.Write just use:
' Write("Hello World!")
Public Function Write(ByVal str)
Response.Write(str & vbCrLf)
End Function
' uppercase first words of a string
Public Function Capitalize(ByVal str)
DIM arrTemp, strTemp, i
arrTemp = Split(str, " ")
For i = 0 to Ubound(arrTemp)
strTemp = strTemp & " " & UCase(Left(arrTemp(i),1)) & LCase(Mid(arrTemp(i),2))
Capitalize = strTemp
End Function
' uppercase first letter of a string
Public function CapFirstWord(str)
CapFirstWord = UCase(Left(str,1)) & Lcase(Mid(str,2))
End Function
' evals an expression an returns
' true or false. almost just like
' Visual Basic. Use only variables
' in trueR and falseR
Public Function IIf(expr,trueR,falseR)
On Error Resume Next
If Eval(expr) Then IIf = trueR Else IIf = falseR
End Function
' returns true if the variable
' has any part of the string. i.e.:
' IsExpr("in god name", "in name")
' returns True
Function IsExpr(patrn, strng)
Dim regEx, retVal ' Create variable.
Set regEx = New RegExp ' Create regular expression.
regEx.Pattern = patrn ' Set pattern.
regEx.IgnoreCase = True ' Set case sensitivity.
retVal = regEx.Test(strng) ' Execute the search test.
If retVal Then IsExpr = True Else IsExpr = False
End Function
' it bolds any strings[strToBold]
' found on another string[strText].
' Useful when implementing a
' search engine
Public Function BoldFoundString(ByVal strText, ByVal strToBold)
On Error Resume Next
DIM strTemp
strTemp = Replace(strText,strToBold,"" & strToBold & "")
BoldFoundString = strTemp
End Function
' clear quotes from strings
Public Function ClearQuotes(ByVal str)
If Not Isnull(str) And str <> "" Then
ClearQuotes = Replace(str,"'"," ")
ClearQuotes = str
End If
End Function
' repeats a string(strC) a number
' of times(intT). e.i:
' RepeatString("a", 4) returns aaaa
Public Function RepeatString(strC, intT)
DIM i, strTemp
strTemp = strC
If intT > 1 Then
For i = 1 To intT+1
strTemp = strTemp & strC
End If
RepeatString = strTemp
End Function
' check that every item in an
' array is not empty (true if OK)
Public Function IsArrayNotEmpty(ByVal arr())
For Each i In arr
If Trim(Len(i)) < 1 Then
IsArrayNotEmpty = False
Exit Function
IsArrayNotEmpty = True
End If
End Function
' two global variables needed
' by next func FormVariables2Arrays()
DIM arrColumns(1), arrValues(1)
' redimentions 2 global arrays
' and puts request.form variables
' into them (arrColumns-arrValues)
' this one is necesary to use some
' of my asp custom functions like
' DatabaseUpdate() and DatabaseInsert()
Public Sub FormVariables2Arrays()
DIM v, x, i
v = 0
For Each x In Request.Form
v = v + 1
v = v - 1
REDIM arrColumns(v), arrValues(v)
i = 0
For Each x In Request.Form
arrColumns(i) = x
arrValues(i) = Request.Form(x)
i = i + 1
End Sub
' find http urls in a string and
' returns the same the string with
' ready links
' TODO: make it parse emails
Public Function ParseStringLinks(strInput)
DIM iCurrentLocation, iLinkStart, iLinkEnd, strOutput, strLinkText
iCurrentLocation = 1
Do While InStr(iCurrentLocation, strInput, "http://", 1) <> 0
iLinkStart = InStr(iCurrentLocation, strInput, "http://", 1)
iLinkEnd = InStr(iLinkStart, strInput, " ", 1)
If iLinkEnd = 0 Then iLinkEnd = Len(strInput) + 1
Select Case Mid(strInput, iLinkEnd - 1, 1)
Case ".", "!", "?"
iLinkEnd = iLinkEnd - 1
End Select
strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, iCurrentLocation, iLinkStart - iCurrentLocation)
strLinkText = Mid(strInput, iLinkStart, iLinkEnd - iLinkStart)
strOutput = strOutput & Replace(""&strLinkText&"","??xax?","a")
iCurrentLocation = iLinkEnd
strOutput = strOutput & Mid(strInput, iCurrentLocation)
ParseStringLinks = strOutput
End Function

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 126 times




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