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Server Side PDF

Generate PDF files on the server without any server-side components. Based on X2PDF.NET library created by Arne Garvander. Limitations: Paragraph (TextArea) cannot exceed on page. Table cannot exceed one page. To read about PDF file specifications go to:
To learn how to edit an existing PDF file go to:
To learn how to merge PDF file go to:

Original Author: Igor Krupitsky


<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Response.Expires = 0
Public Const Fonts_Helvetica = 0
Public Const Fonts_Courier = 1
Public Const Fonts_Times_Roman = 2
Public Const FontStyles_Regular = 0
Public Const FontStyles_Bold = 1
Public Const FontStyles_Italic = 2
Public Const FontStyles_BoldItalic = 3
Public Const Borders_thick = 1
Public Const Borders_thin = 2
Public Const Borders_none = 3
Dim oPdf 'As PDFDocument
Dim sText 'As String
Dim oTexts 'As TextArea
Dim oTable 'As table
Dim oRow 'As row
Dim oCell 'As cell
Set oPdf = New PDFDocument
oPdf.Creator = "Igor Krupitsky"
Set oTexts = New TextArea
oTexts.AddText "Server side PDF rules!", Fonts_Times_Roman, 15, ""
oTexts.AddText "Planet Source Code.", Fonts_Courier, 15, FontStyles_Bold
oTexts.AddText "The largest Public source code database on the Internet With 8,297,283 lines of code, articles and tutorials in 11 languages,as well as 1,127 open job postings.", Fonts_Courier, 12, ""
oPdf.AddControl oTexts
Set oTable = New Table
oTable.Border = Borders_thin 'Borders_none, Borders_thick
Set oRow = New row
Set oCell = New cell
oCell.AddText "First Name", Fonts_Helvetica, 10
oRow.AddCell oCell
Set oCell = New cell
oCell.AddText "Last Name", Fonts_Helvetica, 10
oRow.AddCell oCell
Set oCell = New cell
oCell.AddText "Phone", Fonts_Helvetica, 10
oRow.AddCell oCell
oTable.AddRow oRow
Set oRow = New row
Set oCell = New cell
oCell.AddText "James", Fonts_Helvetica, 14
oRow.AddCell oCell
Set oCell = New cell
oCell.AddText "Bond", Fonts_Helvetica, 14
oRow.AddCell oCell
Set oCell = New cell
oCell.AddText "007", Fonts_Helvetica, 14
oRow.AddCell oCell
oTable.AddRow oRow
oPdf.AddControl oTable
'oPdf.OutputToFile "c: emp est.pdf"
Dim sTemp: sTemp = oPdf.OutputToStream()
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
Response.BinaryWrite StringToMultiByte(sTemp)

Class Cell
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "Cell"
End Property
Private m_textArea 'As TextArea
Private m_Height 'As Integer ' PDFUnits
Public ColumnSpan 'As Integer
Public WidthInPDFUnits 'As Integer
Public StartPDFH 'As Integer ' Start of text
Public StartPDFV 'As Integer
Public WidthInPercent 'As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_textArea = New TextArea
ColumnSpan = 1
End Sub
function GetCopy() 'As cell
Dim myCell 'As cell
Dim myText 'As TextObject
Set myCell = New cell
With myCell
For Each myText In m_textArea.getTexts
.AddText myText.Text, myText.Font, myText.FontSize
.ColumnSpan = ColumnSpan
End With
Set GetCopy = myCell
End function
function Draw(ByRef FontAlias, ByRef pagenum, ByVal TopMargin) 'As PDFObject
m_textArea.StartPDFH = StartPDFH
Set Draw = m_textArea.Draw(StartPDFV, WidthInPDFUnits, FontAlias, pagenum, TopMargin)
End function
Public Sub AddText(ByVal Text, ByVal Font, ByVal FontSize)
if Font = "" Then Font = Fonts_Helvetica
if FontSize = "" Then FontSize = 10
m_textArea.AddText Text, Font, FontSize, FontStyles_Regular
End Sub
function CalculateHeight(ByVal width) 'As Integer
WidthInPDFUnits = width
m_textArea.CalculateHeight (width)
m_Height = m_textArea.HeightInPDFunits
CalculateHeight = m_Height
End function
End Class
Class CFontObj
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "FontObj"
End Property
Dim m_Font 'As Fonts
Dim m_FontName 'As String
Dim m_fontStyle 'As FontStyles
Public FontRef 'As String
Public FontObj 'As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_Font = Fonts_Helvetica
m_fontStyle = FontStyles_Regular
m_FontName = ""
End Sub
function equals(ByVal FontObj) 'As Boolean
equals = True
if m_Font <> FontObj.Font Or m_fontStyle <> FontObj.FontStyle Then
equals = False
equals = True
End if
End function
Public Property Get FontStyle() 'As FontStyles
FontStyle = m_fontStyle
End Property
Public Property Let FontStyle(ByVal myFontStyle)
m_fontStyle = myFontStyle
Call SetFontName
End Property
Public function ValidFont(ByVal Font) 'As Boolean
if -1 < Font And Font < 5 Then
ValidFont = True
ValidFont = False
End if
End function
Public Property Get HorizontalSpace() 'As Double
Dim space 'As Double
Select Case m_Font
Case Fonts_Courier
space = 1.7
Case Fonts_Helvetica
space = 2.2
Case Fonts_Times_Roman
space = 2.4
Case Else
space = 2
End Select
if m_fontStyle = FontStyles_Bold Or m_fontStyle = FontStyles_BoldItalic Then
space = space * 0.91
End if
HorizontalSpace = space
End Property
Public Property Get Font() 'As Fonts
Font = m_Font
End Property
Public Property Let Font(ByVal myFont)
m_Font = myFont
Call SetFontName
End Property
Private Sub SetFontName()
Select Case m_Font
Case Fonts_Courier
Select Case m_fontStyle
Case FontStyles_Regular
m_FontName = "Courier"
Case FontStyles_Bold
m_FontName = "Courier-Bold"
Case FontStyles_Italic
m_FontName = "Courier-Oblique"
Case FontStyles_BoldItalic
m_FontName = "Courier-BoldOblique"
Case Else
Err.Raise 100,"","Invalid Font style."
End Select
Case Fonts_Helvetica
Select Case m_fontStyle
Case FontStyles_Regular
m_FontName = "Helvetica"
Case FontStyles_Bold
m_FontName = "Helvetica-Bold"
Case FontStyles_Italic
m_FontName = "Helvetica-Oblique"
Case FontStyles_BoldItalic
m_FontName = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"
Case Else
Err.Raise 100,"","Invalid Font style."
End Select
Case Fonts_Times_Roman
Select Case m_fontStyle
Case FontStyles_Regular
m_FontName = "Times-Roman"
Case FontStyles_Bold
m_FontName = "Times-Bold"
Case FontStyles_Italic
m_FontName = "Times-Italic"
Case FontStyles_BoldItalic
m_FontName = "Times-BoldItalic"
Case Else
Err.Raise 100,"","Invalid Font style."
End Select
Case Else
Err.Raise 100,"","Invalid Font"
End Select
End Sub
Public Property Get FontName() 'As String
FontName = m_FontName
End Property
End Class
Class PageBreak
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "PageBreak"
End Property
Public StartPDFH 'As Integer
function GetCopy()
Dim pg 'As PageBreak
pg = New PageBreak
pg.StartPDFH = StartPDFH
GetCopy = pg
End function
function Draw(ByRef StartV, ByVal width, ByRef FontAlias, _
ByRef pagenum, ByVal TopStart) 'As PDFObject
Dim stream 'As String
Dim PDFO 'As PDFObject
Dim mid 'As Integer
Set PDFO = New PDFObject
mid = StartPDFH + width / 2
pagenum = pagenum + 1
stream = "BT" & vbCr
stream = stream & "/F1 " & 10 & " Tf" & vbCr
stream = stream & "1 0 0 1 " & mid & " 50 Tm" & vbCr
stream = stream & "(" & pagenum & ") Tj" & vbCr
stream = stream & "/F1 " & 6 & " Tf" & vbCr
stream = stream & "1 0 0 1 " & StartPDFH & " 50 Tm" & vbCr
stream = stream & "(Copyright Tj" & vbCr
stream = stream & "ET" & vbCr
PDFO.addStream (stream)
Set Draw = PDFO
End function
function toString() 'As String
toString = "Page Break"
End function
End Class
Class PDFDocument
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "PDFDocument"
End Property
Dim m_Title 'As String
Dim m_keywords 'As String
Dim m_subject 'As String
Dim m_FontAlias 'As Scripting.Dictionary ' One entry per font
Dim m_PageNumber 'As Integer
Public Author 'As String
Public Creator 'As String
Public Producer 'As String
Public OutputFileName 'As String
Dim m_OutputStream
Dim m_OutputToStream 'As Boolean
Dim Position 'As Integer
Dim m_PDFLocation(5000) 'As Integer ' Positions of all the PDF objects
Dim pageObj(5000) 'As Integer' Page objects
Dim obj 'As Integer ' PDF objects
Dim m_rootObj 'As Integer' RootObject is the object after properties
Dim m_TopPagesObj 'As Integer ' Top page comes after rootobject
Dim m_EncodingObj 'As Integer ' Object For Encoding Type
Dim m_PropObj 'As Integer
Dim cache 'As String
Dim m_controls 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim m_PageHeight 'As Integer
Dim m_Pagewidth 'As Integer
Dim m_drawableWidth 'As Integer
Dim m_TopMargin 'As Integer ' 3/4 inch, An adobe document has another 1/4 inch built in margin
Dim m_LeftMargin 'As Integer ' 1 inch, An adobe document has another 1/4 inch built in margin
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
m_Pagewidth = 612
m_PageHeight = 792
m_TopMargin = 54
m_LeftMargin = 72
Set m_controls = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set m_FontAlias = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
obj = 0
Position = 0
cache = ""
m_OutputToStream = False
End Sub
Public Property Get PageWidth() 'As Integer
PageWidth = m_Pagewidth / 72
End Property
Public Sub AddControl(ByVal control)
Dim ta 'As TextArea
if TypeName(control) = "TextArea" Then
Set ta = control.GetCopy
m_controls.Add ta, ""
m_controls.Add control, ""
End if
End Sub
Public Sub OutputToFile(ByVal filename)
if filename <> "" Then
OutputFileName = filename
End if
if FileExists(OutputFileName) Then
Kill (OutputFileName)
End if
Call WriteStart
Call WriteHead
Call WritePage
Call endPDF
End Sub
Public function OutputToStream()
m_OutputToStream = True
Call WriteStart
Call WriteHead
Call WritePage
Call endPDF
OutputToStream = m_OutputStream
m_OutputToStream = False
End function
Private function WritePage()
Dim beginstream 'As String
Dim Fonts 'As String
Dim FontRef
Dim key 'As String
Dim PDFO 'As PDFObject
Dim fonto 'As FontObj
Dim Resources 'As String
Dim contents 'As String
Dim stream 'As String
Dim StartY 'As Integer
Dim width 'As Integer
Dim control
Dim dummy 'As String
Dim page 'As PageBreak
Dim PageFonts 'As PDFObject
Dim TopStart 'As Integer
Set PageFonts = New PDFObject
Fonts = " /Font << "
StartY = m_PageHeight - m_TopMargin
TopStart = StartY
width = m_Pagewidth - 2 * m_LeftMargin
For Each control In m_controls
dummy = control.toString' Debug statement
if control.StartPDFH = 0 Then
control.StartPDFH = m_LeftMargin
End if
Set PDFO = control.Draw(StartY, width, m_FontAlias, m_PageNumber, TopStart)
if PDFO.count > 1 Then
stream = stream + PDFO.getStream()
StartPage contents, Resources, stream, Fonts
stream = ""
Set PageFonts = New PDFObject
Fonts = " /Font << "
End if
stream = stream + PDFO.getStream()
Call WriteNewFonts
For Each FontRef In PDFO.m_fonts
Set fonto = m_FontAlias.Item(FontRef)
if PageFonts.FontExists(fonto.FontObj) = False Then
if Not PageFonts.m_fonts.Exists(fonto.FontObj) Then
PageFonts.m_fonts.Add fonto.FontObj, ""
End if
Fonts = Fonts + "/F" & FontRef & fonto.FontObj & " 0 R "
End if
if Len(stream) Then
Set page = New PageBreak
page.StartPDFH = m_LeftMargin
Set PDFO = page.Draw(StartY, width, m_FontAlias, m_PageNumber, TopStart)
stream = stream + PDFO.getStream()
StartPage contents, Resources, stream, Fonts
End if
End function
Private Sub StartPage(ByVal contents, ByVal Resources, ByVal stream, ByVal Fonts)
Fonts = Fonts + ">>"
Resources = Resources + Fonts + vbCrLf
Resources = Resources + "/Procset [/PDF /Text]"
obj = obj + 1
contents = contents + CStr(obj) & " 0 R"
m_PDFLocation(obj) = Position
writepdf obj & " 0 obj", False
writepdf "<< /Length " & Len(stream) & " >>", False
writepdf "stream", False
writepdf stream, False
writepdf "endstream", False
writepdf "endobj", False
obj = obj + 1
m_PDFLocation(obj) = Position
pageObj(m_PageNumber) = obj
writepdf obj & " 0 obj", False
writepdf "<<", False
writepdf "/Type /Page", False
writepdf "/Parent " & m_TopPagesObj & " 0 R", False
writepdf "/Resources << " & Resources & " >> ", False
writepdf "/Contents " & contents, False
writepdf ">>", False
writepdf "endobj", False
End Sub
Private Sub WriteNewFonts()
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim Fonts 'As String
Dim key 'As String
Dim fonto 'As FontObj
Dim FontName 'As String
Dim fontNumber 'As Integer
Dim sobj 'As Integer
sobj = obj
For i = 1 To m_FontAlias.count
key = Trim(CStr(i))
Set fonto = m_FontAlias.Item(key)
if fonto.FontObj = "" Then
obj = obj + 1
fonto.FontObj = " " & CStr(obj)
m_PDFLocation(obj) = Position
writepdf obj & " 0 obj", False
writepdf "<<", False
writepdf "/Type /Font", False
writepdf "/Subtype /Type1", False ' Adobe Type 1
writepdf "/Name /F" & fonto.FontRef, False
writepdf "/BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding", False
writepdf "/BaseFont /" & fonto.FontName, False
writepdf ">>", False
writepdf "endobj", False
End if
End Sub
Private Sub WriteHead()
obj = obj + 1
m_rootObj = obj ' The root object will be written at the End
obj = obj + 1
m_TopPagesObj = obj' The Pages object will be written at the End
obj = obj + 1
End Sub
Private Sub writepdf(ByRef stre, ByRef flush)
if flush = "" Then flush = False
if m_OutputToStream = True Then
m_OutputStream = m_OutputStream & stre & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End if
' On Error Resume Next
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim fso 'As FileSystemObject
Dim oFile 'As Scripting.TextStream
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Position = Position + Len(stre) ' Position For the Next object
cache = cache & stre & vbCrLf
if Len(cache) > 32000 Or flush Then
Set oFile = fso.OpenTextFile(OutputFileName, 8, True)
oFile.Write cache
cache = ""
End if
End Sub
Private Sub WriteStart()
writepdf "%PDF-1.2", False ' Acrobat version 3.0
writepdf "%?ó?ú?Å?ô", False
End Sub
Sub endPDF()
Dim ty 'As String
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim xreF 'As Integer
m_PDFLocation(m_rootObj) = Position
writepdf m_rootObj & " 0 obj", False
writepdf "<<", False
writepdf "/Type /Catalog", False
writepdf "/Pages " & m_TopPagesObj & " 0 R", False
writepdf ">>", False
writepdf "endobj", False
m_PDFLocation(m_TopPagesObj) = Position
writepdf m_TopPagesObj & " 0 obj", False
writepdf "<<", False
writepdf "/Type /Pages", False
writepdf "/Count " & m_PageNumber, False
writepdf "/MediaBox [ 0 0 " & m_Pagewidth & " " & m_PageHeight & " ]", False
ty = ("/Kids [ ")
For i = 1 To m_PageNumber
ty = ty & pageObj(i) & " 0 R "
ty = ty & "]"
writepdf ty, False
writepdf ">>", False
writepdf "endobj", False
' Xref
xreF = Position
writepdf "0 " & obj + 1, False
writepdf "0000000000 65535 f ", ""
For i = 1 To obj
writepdf Right("0000000000" & m_PDFLocation(i), 10) & " 00000 n", False
' Trailer
writepdf "trailer", False
writepdf "<<", False
writepdf "/Size " & obj + 1, False
writepdf "/Root " & m_rootObj & " 0 R", False
writepdf "/Info " & m_PropObj & " 0 R", False
writepdf ">>", False
writepdf "startxref", False
writepdf CStr(xreF), False
writepdf "%%EOF", True
End Sub
Private Sub WriteProperties()
Dim CreationDate 'As String
CreationDate = "D:" & GetPdfFormatedDate()
obj = obj + 1
m_PDFLocation(obj) = Position
m_PropObj = obj
writepdf obj & " 0 obj", False
writepdf "<<", False
writepdf "/Author (" & Author & ")", False
writepdf "/CreationDate (" & CreationDate & ")", False
writepdf "/Creator (" & Creator & ")", False
writepdf "/Producer (" & Producer & ")", False
writepdf "/Title (" & m_Title & ")", False
writepdf "/Subject (" & m_subject & ")", False
writepdf "/Keywords (" & m_keywords & ")", False
writepdf ">>", False
writepdf "endobj", False
End Sub
Public function FileExists(ByVal filename) 'As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
FileExists = FileLen(filename) > 0
End function
End Class
Class PDFObject
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "PDFObject"
End Property
Dim m_resources 'As String
Public m_fonts 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Private m_streams 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Public PageBreak 'As Boolean
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  Set m_fonts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Set m_streams = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Public Sub addStream(ByVal stream)
  m_streams.Add stream, ""
End Sub
Public Function FontExists(ByVal Font) 'As Boolean
  Dim FontObj 'As String
  ' FontExists = False
  For Each FontObj In m_fonts
    If FontObj = Font Then
      ' FontExists = True
      FontExists = True
    End If
  FontExists = False
End Function
Public Function GetStream() 'As String
  Dim sItem
  For Each sItem In m_streams
    GetStream = sItem
    m_streams.Remove sItem
    Exit Function
End Function
Public Function count() 'As Integer
  count = m_streams.count
End Function
Public Property Get Resources() 'As String
    Resources = m_resources
End Property
Public Property Let Resources(ByVal Value)
    m_resources = Value
End Property
End Class
Class Row
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "Row"
End Property
Private m_cells 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Private m_Height 'As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_cells = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Public Sub AddCell(ByVal myCell)
Dim aCell 'As cell
Set aCell = myCell.GetCopy
m_cells.Add aCell, ""
End Sub
Property Get HeightInPDFunits()
HeightInPDFunits = m_Height
End Property
Property Get cells() 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Set cells = m_cells
End Property
function CalculateHeight(ByVal width, ByVal cellpadding)
Dim cell 'As cell
Dim H 'As Integer
Dim w 'As Integer' Printable width
m_Height = 0
width = width / m_cells.count
w = width - 2 * cellpadding
For Each cell In m_cells
H = cell.CalculateHeight(w)
if H > m_Height Then
m_Height = H
End if
m_Height = m_Height + 2 * cellpadding
CalculateHeight = m_Height
End function
End Class
Class Table
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "Table"
End Property
Private m_border 'As Borders
Private m_rows 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Private m_Height 'As Integer
Public CellPaddingInPDFUnits 'As Integer
Private m_ColumnWidth 'As Integer' PDF measurement
Private m_cellCount 'As Integer
Private m_ActualHeight 'As Integer
Private m_startH 'As Integer
Private m_StartV 'As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_rows = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
m_border = Borders_thick
CellPaddingInPDFUnits = 4
End Sub
function GetCopy()
End function
Public Property Get StartPDFH() 'As Integer
StartPDFH = m_startH
End Property
Public Property Let StartPDFH(ByVal MyStartInPDFUnits)
m_startH = MyStartInPDFUnits
End Property
Public function Draw(ByRef StartV, ByVal width, ByRef FontAlias, _
ByRef pagenum, ByVal TopMargin) 'As PDFObject
Dim pdfObj 'As PDFObject
Dim row 'As row
Dim count 'As Integer
Dim TotalCols 'As Integer
Dim stream 'As String' Text Stream
Dim GStream 'As String' graphics stream
Dim cell 'As cell
Dim RightH 'As Integer
Dim V 'As Integer
Dim H 'As Integer
Dim RowStartV 'As Integer
Dim cols 'As Integer
Dim c 'As Integer
Dim accumColumn 'As Integer
Dim RowStarty 'As Integer
Set pdfObj = New PDFObject
Call CalculateTable(width)
' Save start point
m_StartV = StartV
if m_border <> Borders_none Then
stream = "0.0 G " + vbCr ' Black color
if m_border = Borders_thick Then
stream = "2 w " + vbCr ' Line width
stream = "1 w " + vbCr ' Line width
End if
RightH = m_startH + width
' Top level line of the table
stream = stream + line(m_startH, StartV, RightH, StartV)
For Each row In m_rows
' Print first vertical bar For Each cell
V = StartV - row.HeightInPDFunits
stream = stream + line(m_startH, StartV, m_startH, V)
' Print right vertical bar For Each cell
cols = 0
c = 1
accumColumn = 0
For Each cell In row.cells
cols = cols + cell.ColumnSpan
if c = row.cells.count Then
H = RightH
if cell.WidthInPercent = 0 Then
H = m_startH + cols * m_ColumnWidth
accumColumn = accumColumn + cell.WidthInPercent * width
H = m_startH + accumColumn
End if
End if
V = StartV - row.HeightInPDFunits
if V < 1 Then Exit For
stream = stream + line(H, StartV, H, V)
c = c + 1
' Print row divider
StartV = StartV - row.HeightInPDFunits
stream = stream + line(m_startH, StartV, RightH, StartV)
End if
' Print text in cells
V = m_StartV
For Each row In m_rows
H = m_startH
For Each cell In row.cells
cell.StartPDFH = H + CellPaddingInPDFUnits
cell.StartPDFV = V
Set pdfObj = cell.Draw(FontAlias, 1, TopMargin)
stream = stream + pdfObj.getStream
if cell.WidthInPercent = 0 Then
H = H + cell.ColumnSpan * m_ColumnWidth
H = H + width * cell.WidthInPercent
End if
V = V - row.HeightInPDFunits
if V < 1 Then Exit For
pdfObj.addStream (stream)
Set Draw = pdfObj
End function
Sub CalculateTable(ByVal width)
Dim row 'As row
m_ActualHeight = 0
' Calculate table width
if width = 0 Then
Err.Raise 100,"","Zero Width table Not supported."
End if
' Check To see that we have a column count
if m_rows.count < 1 Then
Err.Raise 100,"","No Rows To draw."
End if
m_cellCount = CalculateCellCount()
' Column width when all columns have the same width
m_ColumnWidth = (width - 2 * m_border) / m_cellCount
' Calculate
For Each row In m_rows
row.CalculateHeight m_ColumnWidth, CellPaddingInPDFUnits
m_ActualHeight = m_ActualHeight + row.HeightInPDFunits + 2 * m_border
m_ActualHeight = m_ActualHeight + 2 * m_border
End Sub
Public Sub setColumnWidth(ByVal width)
' This method sets the width of the table columns
' Columns are from index 1 To the upper bound of width(). With(0) is Not used.
' Each entry In the input array becomes a percentage of the sum of all entries in the input array
Dim row 'As row
Dim cell 'As cell
Dim totalWidth 'As Integer
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim cols 'As Integer
if m_rows.count < 1 Then
Err.Raise 100,"","No rows."
End if
m_cellCount = CalculateCellCount()
if m_cellCount <> UBound(width) Then
Err.Raise 100,"","Number of columns doesn't match the setting For column width."
End if
For i = 1 To UBound(width)
totalWidth = totalWidth + width(i) ' Calculate the total
if totalWidth <= 0 Then
Err.Raise 100,"","Can't Set column width on table."
End if
For Each row In m_rows
cols = 0
For Each cell In row.cells
cols = cols + cell.ColumnSpan
cell.WidthInPercent = Math.Round(width(cols) / totalWidth, 2) ' Percent
End Sub
Private function CalculateCellCount() 'As Integer
Dim scellCnt 'As Integer
Dim cellCnt 'As Integer
Dim row 'As row
Dim cell 'As cell
For Each row In m_rows
cellCnt = 0
For Each cell In row.cells
cellCnt = cellCnt + cell.ColumnSpan
if scellCnt <> 0 And scellCnt <> cellCnt Then
Err.Raise 100,"","Uneven number of cells With column span In the row collection."
End if
scellCnt = cellCnt
if cellCnt = 0 Then
Err.Raise 100,"","No columns/cells."
End if
CalculateCellCount = cellCnt
End function
Private function line(ByVal x, ByVal y, ByVal x1, ByVal y1) 'As String
Dim stream 'As String
stream = stream & x & " " & y & " m" + vbCr
stream = stream & x1 & " " & y1 & " l" + vbCr
stream = stream & "S" + vbCr
line = stream
End function
Public Property Get Border() 'As Borders
Border = m_border
End Property
Public Property Let Border(ByVal myBorder)
Select Case myBorder
Case Borders_none
m_border = myBorder
Case Borders_thick
m_border = myBorder
Case Borders_thin
m_border = myBorder
Case Else
Err.Raise 100,"","Invalid Border"
End Select
End Property
Public Sub AddRow(ByVal myRow)
m_rows.Add myRow, ""
End Sub
Public function toString() 'As String
toString = "Table rows: " & m_rows.count
End function
End Class
Class TextArea
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "TextArea"
End Property
Private m_Texts 'As Scripting.Dictionary ' texts To be word wrapped
Private m_LineQ 'As Scripting.Dictionary ' word wrapped lines
Private m_StartV 'As Integer
Private m_widthPDFUnits 'As Integer
Public HeightInPDFunits 'As Integer
Public StartPDFH 'As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Texts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
StartPDFH = 72
End Sub
Sub CalculateHeight(ByVal width)
Dim myText 'As TextObject
Dim FontRef 'As String
Dim key 'As String
Dim sFontRef 'As String
Dim found 'As Boolean
Dim FontSize 'As Integer
Dim sFontSize 'As Integer
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim lineNo 'As Integer
Dim linelen 'As Integer
Dim textLine 'As TextObject
Dim line 'As String' Text line
Dim tmpline 'As String
Dim vspace 'As Integer
Dim ret 'As String
Dim fonto 'As FontObj
if width < 1 Then
Err.Raise 100,"","Invalid width For TextArea"
End if
m_widthPDFUnits = width
Set m_LineQ = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Split the text up In lines
For Each myText In m_Texts
line = myText.Text
' Escape PDF special characters ( and )
line = ReplaceText(ReplaceText(line, "(", "("), ")", ")")
line = Trim(line)
FontSize = myText.FontSize
linelen = myText.FontObj.HorizontalSpace * width / myText.FontSize
if Len(line) > linelen Then
'word wrap
Do While Len(line) > linelen
tmpline = Left(line, linelen)
For i = Len(tmpline) To Len(tmpline) / 2 Step -1
if InStr("*&^%$#,. ;<=>[])}!""", mid(tmpline, i, 1)) Then
' find appropriate End of line
tmpline = Left(tmpline, i)
Exit For
End if
line = mid(line, Len(tmpline) + 1)
Set textLine = New TextObject
With textLine
.Text = tmpline
Set .FontObj = myText.FontObj
.FontSize = myText.FontSize
End With
m_LineQ.Add textLine, ""
Set textLine = New TextObject
With textLine
.Text = line
Set .FontObj = myText.FontObj
.FontSize = myText.FontSize
End With
m_LineQ.Add textLine, ""
Set textLine = New TextObject
With textLine
.Text = line
Set .FontObj = myText.FontObj
.FontSize = myText.FontSize
End With
m_LineQ.Add textLine, ""
End if
HeightInPDFunits = 0
For Each myText In m_LineQ
FontSize = myText.FontSize
HeightInPDFunits = HeightInPDFunits + 1.2 * FontSize
End Sub
function Draw(ByRef StartV, ByVal width, ByRef FontAlias, _
ByRef pagenum, ByVal TopStart) 'As PDFObject
Dim PDFO 'As PDFObject
Dim myText 'As TextObject
Dim FontName 'As String
Dim TempPdfo 'As PDFObject
Dim FontRef 'As String
Dim key 'As String
Dim sFontRef 'As String
Dim found 'As Boolean
Dim FontSize 'As Integer
Dim sFontSize 'As Integer
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim lineNo 'As Integer
Dim linelen 'As Integer
Dim textLine 'As TextObject
Dim line 'As String' Text line
Dim tmpline 'As String
Dim vspace 'As Integer
Dim ret 'As String
Dim fonto 'As FontObj
Dim page 'As PageBreak
Dim save 'As String
Call CalculateHeight(width)
Set PDFO = New PDFObject
Set page = New PageBreak
' Process fonts
For Each myText In m_Texts
ret = myText.Text
' Set if we have this font
FontRef = getFontNumber(myText.Font, myText.FontStyle, FontAlias)
if FontRef = "" Then
'Add a new font
FontRef = Trim(CStr(FontAlias.count + 1))
Set fonto = New CFontObj
With fonto
.FontRef = FontRef
.Font = myText.Font
.FontStyle = myText.FontStyle
End With
FontAlias.Add FontRef, fonto
End if
myText.FontObj.FontRef = FontRef
found = False
For Each key In PDFO.m_fonts
if key = FontRef Then found = True
if found = False Then
if Not PDFO.m_fonts.Exists(FontRef) Then
PDFO.m_fonts.Add FontRef, ""
End if
End if
' Print the lines To the PDF document
lineNo = -1
ret = " BT" + vbCr ' Begin text object
For Each myText In m_LineQ
line = myText.Text
FontName = myText.FontObj.FontName()
FontRef = myText.FontObj.FontRef
FontSize = myText.FontSize
vspace = 1.2 * FontSize
if (sFontRef <> FontRef) Or sFontSize <> FontSize Then
ret = ret + "/F" & FontRef & " " & FontSize & " Tf" & vbCr ' Text and font
ret = ret + "1 0 0 1 " & StartPDFH & " " & StartV & " Tm" & vbCr ' Set text matrix
ret = ret + CStr(vspace) & " TL" & vbCr ' Set text leading
'lineNo = lineNo + 1
End if
sFontRef = FontRef
sFontSize = FontSize
ret = ret + "T* (" & line & vbCrLf & ") Tj" & vbCr
StartV = StartV - vspace
if StartV < 100 Then
' Print footer
page.StartPDFH = StartPDFH
ret = ret + "ET " + vbCrLf
Set TempPdfo = page.Draw(StartV, width, FontAlias, pagenum, TopStart)
ret = ret + TempPdfo.getStream()
PDFO.addStream (ret)
PDFO.PageBreak = True
' Start new page
save = ret
ret = ""
ret = "BT " + vbCrLf
sFontRef = ""
StartV = TopStart
End if
StartV = StartV - vspace
ret = ret + " ET" + vbCr
PDFO.addStream (ret)
Set Draw = PDFO
End function
function GetCopy()
Dim Text 'As TextArea
Dim tobj 'As TextObject
Set Text = New TextArea
For Each tobj In m_Texts
Text.AddText tobj.Text, tobj.Font, tobj.FontSize, tobj.FontStyle
With Text
.StartPDFH = StartPDFH
End With
Set GetCopy = Text
End function
function getTexts() 'As Scripting.Dictionary
Set getTexts = m_Texts
End function
Public Sub AddText(ByVal Text, ByVal Font, ByVal FontSize, ByVal style)
if Font = "" Then Font = Fonts_Helvetica
if FontSize = "" Then FontSize = 10
if CStr(style) = "" Then style = FontStyles_Regular
Dim myText 'As TextObject
Set myText = New TextObject
With myText
.Font = Font
.FontSize = FontSize
.Text = Text
.FontStyle = style
End With
m_Texts.Add myText, ""
End Sub
function toString() 'As String
Dim ret 'As String
ret = "TextArea: "
if m_Texts.count > 0 Then
ret = ret + GetDictionaryItem(m_Texts, 1).Text
End if
toString = ret
End function
function GetDictionaryItem(dic, ByVal iIndex)
Dim oItem, i
i = 0
For Each oItem In dic
i = i + 1
if i = iIndex Then
if IsObject(oItem) Then
Set GetDictionaryItem = oItem
GetDictionaryItem = oItem
End if
Exit function
End if
End function
Private function getFontNumber(ByVal Font, _
ByVal FontStyle, _
ByRef Fonts) 'As String
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim key 'As String
Dim fName 'As String
Dim fonto 'As FontObj
For i = 1 To Fonts.count
key = Trim(CStr(i))
Set fonto = Fonts(key)
if fonto.Font = Font And fonto.FontStyle = FontStyle Then
'If Font.equals(fonto) Then
getFontNumber = fonto.FontRef
End if
End function
Public function ReplaceText(ByRef Text_Renamed, ByRef TextToReplace, ByRef NewText) 'As String
Dim mtext 'As String
Dim SpacePos 'As Integer
mtext = Text_Renamed
SpacePos = InStr(mtext, TextToReplace)
Do While SpacePos
mtext = Left(mtext, SpacePos) & NewText & mid(mtext, SpacePos + Len(TextToReplace))
SpacePos = InStr(SpacePos + Len(NewText), mtext, TextToReplace)
ReplaceText = mtext
End function
End Class
Class TextObject
Public default Property Get ClassName() 'As FontStyles
ClassName = "TextObject"
End Property
Dim m_Text 'As String
Dim m_Font 'As FontObj
Public FontSize 'As Integer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_Font = New CFontObj
FontSize = 10
End Sub
Public Property Get FontStyle() 'As FontStyles
FontStyle = FontObj.FontStyle
End Property
Public Property Let FontStyle(ByVal MyStyle)
m_Font.FontStyle = MyStyle
End Property
Public Property Get Font() 'As Fonts
Font = m_Font.Font
End Property
Public Property Let Font(ByVal myFont)
m_Font.Font = myFont
End Property
Public Property Get Text() 'As String
Text = m_Text
End Property
Public Property Let Text(ByVal myText)
m_Text = myText
End Property
Public Property Get FontObj() 'As FontObj
Set FontObj = m_Font
End Property
Public Property Set FontObj(ByVal myFont)
Set m_Font = myFont
End Property
End Class
Function GetPdfFormatedDate()
GetPdfFormatedDate = year(Now) & _
PadLeftWithZeros(month(now),2) & _
PadLeftWithZeros(day(now),2) & _
PadLeftWithZeros(hour(now),2) & _
PadLeftWithZeros(minute(now),2) & _
End function
Function PadLeftWithZeros(sValue,iSize)
PadLeftWithZeros = right("00000000" + trim(sValue),iSize)
End function
function StringToMultiByte(S)
Dim i, MultiByte
For i=1 To Len(S)
MultiByte = MultiByte & ChrB(Asc(Mid(S,i,1)))
StringToMultiByte = MultiByte
End function

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 104 times




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