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ASP Format Function

This function operates similarly to the VB Format function with one big exception. The "#" character is used to represent any single character. You can trim all non alphanumeric characters out and reformat them to stay consistant.
Usefull for credit cards, zipcodes, phone numbers, etc...

Original Author: Brian Reeves


Format("1234567890123", "(###) ###-#### x######") would return "(123) 456-7890 x123"
Format("4111111111111111", "####-####-####-####")
would return "4111-1111-1111-1111"

API Declarations

Open Source


'** Formats a string to include standard sets.
'** Example: Format("1234567890", "(###) ###-####")
'** Result = (123) 456-7890
'** Modified 01/09/03 to allow extended format mask that will
'** not return extra ###'s brian reeves
Public Function Format(sValue, sMask)
Dim iPlaceHolder
Dim sTempValue
Dim sResult

sTempValue = CStr(sValue)
sResult = sMask
Do Until InStr(sResult, "#") = 0
iPlaceHolder = InStr(sResult, "#")
sResult = Replace(sResult, "#", Left(sTempValue, 1), 1, 1)
sTempValue = Mid(sTempValue, 2)
If Len(sTempValue) = 0 Then sResult = Left(sResult, iPlaceHolder)
Format = sResult
End Function

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 95 times




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