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Jmail email example in asp

The sole purpose of this article is to help those who could not figure out the right purpose of jmail object in asp....Just a simple example to send emails using jmail object...

Original Author: pompyk



' Create the JMail message Object

set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )

' Set logging to true to ease any potential debugging

' And set silent to true as we wish to handle our errors ourself

msg.Logging = true

msg.silent = true

' Most mailservers require a valid email address

' for the sender

'This email address I guess must be that which is provided when u booked
'your domain....

msg.From = ""


' Next we have to add some recipients.

' The addRecipients method can be used multiple times.

' Also note how we skip the name the second time, it

' is as you see optional to provide a name.

msg.AddRecipient "", "SOMDUTT"

'msg.AddRecipient ""

' The subject of the message

msg.Subject = "WHATEVER U LIKE"

'don't use the same..u must make a html form...using it..

'so that u can submit it...

' Note the use of vbCrLf to add linebreaks to our email

msg.Body ="Name: " & request.form("name") & vbcrlf & _

"Address: " & request.form("address") & vbcrlf & _

"City: " & request.form("city") & vbcrlf & _

"Zip: " & request.form("zip") & vbcrlf & _

"Phone: " & request.form("phone") & vbcrlf & _

"Email: " & request.form("email") & vbcrlf & _

"Fax: " & request.form("fax") & vbcrlf & _

"Car: " & request.form("listcar") & vbcrlf & _

"Bus: " & request.form("listbus") & vbcrlf & _

"Utilisation Start Date: " & request.form("txtDate") & vbcrlf & _

"Utilisation End Date: " & request.form("txtDate2") & vbcrlf & _

"Payment Preference: " & request.form("select") & vbcrlf & _

"Places to be visited: " & request.form("place")

' To send the message, you use the Send()

' method, which takes one parameter that

' should be your mailservers address


' To capture any errors which might occur,

' we wrap the call in an IF statement

'if not msg.Send("" ) then

if not msg.Send("" ) then

  Response.write "
" & msg.log & "


  Response.write "Message sent succesfully!"

end if

' bye bye...go u have done it!!..thx..



This is just a little help to those who got entangled in JMAIL

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Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 140 times




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