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Effectively protect .js code with asp

This uses the asp http_referer variable, some no caching techniques and some other optional methods to make it very hard for most people to view your javascript source code.

Original Author: Mark Kahn


Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
'-- This class encapsulates the logic for implementing a wizard.
' Copyright Matthew Janofsky 2000
' To use the Wizard Engine:
' Assign the panels in the order you want them displayed.
' Panels can be any control that exposes the Visible
'  property and the Move method.
' Assign the Next, Previous, Cancel and Finish buttons.
' Make sure the first panel is in the position that
'  the panels should be displayed.
' Example:
' Option Explicit
' Private WithEvents m_oWiz As cWizardEngine
' Private Sub Form_Load()
' Set m_oWiz = New cWizardEngine
' '-- Add the panels in the order we want them displayed.
' m_oWiz.AddPanel Me.Frame1
' m_oWiz.AddPanel Me.Frame2
' m_oWiz.AddPanel Me.Frame3
' '-- Add the buttons.
' Set m_oWiz.CancelButton = Me.cmdCancel
' Set m_oWiz.FinishButton = Me.cmdFinish
' Set m_oWiz.NextButton = Me.cmdNext
' Set m_oWiz.PrevButton = Me.cmdPrev
' '-- Only allow the finish button on the last panel.
' m_oWiz.FinishEnabledOnAllPanels = False
' '-- Start the wizard.
' m_oWiz.StartWizard
' End Sub
' Use the cWizardEngine_BeforeNext() event to validate
' the user's entry on the current panel when the
' Next button is clicked.
' Use the cWizardEngine_AfterNext() event to do any
' pre-display logic when a new panel is displayed
' after the Next button is clicked.
' Property variables
Private m_lCurrentPanelNbr As Long
Private m_bFinishEnabledOnAllPanels As Boolean
Private m_aPanels() As Control 'Array of panels.
Private WithEvents m_cmdCancelButton As CommandButton
Private WithEvents m_cmdFinishButton As CommandButton
Private WithEvents m_cmdNextButton As CommandButton
Private WithEvents m_cmdPrevButton As CommandButton
' Class variables
Private m_lPanelCount As Long
' Raised Events
Public Event AfterNext(NewPanelNbr As Long)
Public Event BeforeNext(CurrentPanelNbr As Long, _
   Cancel As Boolean)
' Methods
Public Sub AddPanel(PanelToAdd As Control)
On Error GoTo AddPanel_Error

'-- Add a panel to the list.
m_lPanelCount = m_lPanelCount + 1

ReDim Preserve m_aPanels(m_lPanelCount)
Set m_aPanels(m_lPanelCount) = PanelToAdd

'-- If this wasn't the first panel, adjust the panel _
' dimensions and position to match the first panel.
If m_lPanelCount > 1 Then
With m_aPanels(1)
  m_aPanels(m_lPanelCount).Move .Left, .Top, _
      .Width, .Height
End With
End If

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo AddPanel_Exit
Select Case Err
'-- Add specific error cases here
'Case ...
Case Else:
  Err.Raise Err.Number, "cWizardEngine::AddPanel()", _
  Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
End Select
Resume AddPanel_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub
Public Sub StartWizard()
On Error GoTo StartWizard_Error
Dim X As Long

'-- Set the command button properties.
m_cmdCancelButton.Enabled = True

If m_bFinishEnabledOnAllPanels = True Then
m_cmdFinishButton.Enabled = True
m_cmdFinishButton.Enabled = False
End If

m_cmdNextButton.Enabled = True
m_cmdPrevButton.Enabled = False

'-- Set the panel properties. Display the first panel.
m_aPanels(1).Visible = True
For X = 2 To m_lPanelCount
m_aPanels(X).Visible = False

'-- Set the current panel.
m_lCurrentPanelNbr = 1

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo StartWizard_Exit
Select Case Err
'-- Add specific error cases here
'Case ...
Case Else:
  Err.Raise Err.Number, _
   "cWizardEngine::StartWizard()", _
   Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, _
End Select
Resume StartWizard_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub
' Properties
Public Property Set CancelButton(RHS As CommandButton)
Set m_cmdCancelButton = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get CurrentPanelNbr() As Long
'-- Return the current panel number.
CurrentPanelNbr = m_lCurrentPanelNbr
End Property
Public Property Set FinishButton(RHS As CommandButton)
Set m_cmdFinishButton = RHS
End Property
Public Property Get FinishEnabledOnAllPanels() As Boolean
FinishEnabledOnAllPanels = m_bFinishEnabledOnAllPanels
End Property
Public Property Let FinishEnabledOnAllPanels(RHS As Boolean)
m_bFinishEnabledOnAllPanels = RHS
End Property
Public Property Set NextButton(RHS As CommandButton)
Set m_cmdNextButton = RHS
End Property
Public Property Set PrevButton(RHS As CommandButton)
Set m_cmdPrevButton = RHS
End Property
' Class Methods
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
m_bFinishEnabledOnAllPanels = False
m_lPanelCount = 0
m_lCurrentPanelNbr = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()

On Error Resume Next

Dim X As Long

Set m_cmdCancelButton = Nothing
Set m_cmdFinishButton = Nothing
Set m_cmdNextButton = Nothing
Set m_cmdPrevButton = Nothing

For X = 1 To m_lPanelCount
Set m_aPanels(X) = Nothing
End Sub
' Event handlers
Private Sub m_cmdCancelButton_Click()
'-- Do nothing. It is up to the caller to handle it.
End Sub
Private Sub m_cmdFinishButton_Click()
'-- Do nothing. It is up to the caller to handle it.
End Sub
Private Sub m_cmdNextButton_Click()
'-- Display the next panel.
On Error GoTo m_cmdNextButton_Click_Error

Dim bCancel As Boolean

'-- Give the caller a chance to cancel this event.
RaiseEvent BeforeNext(m_lCurrentPanelNbr, bCancel)
If bCancel = True Then
GoTo m_cmdNextButton_Click_Exit
End If
m_aPanels(m_lCurrentPanelNbr + 1).Visible = True

'-- Hide the current panel.
m_aPanels(m_lCurrentPanelNbr).Visible = False

'-- Increment the current panel.
m_lCurrentPanelNbr = m_lCurrentPanelNbr + 1

'-- Enable the Prev button.
m_cmdPrevButton.Enabled = True

'-- If we are now on the last panel, enable the finish
' button if it is not already enabled and disable
' the Next button.
If m_lCurrentPanelNbr = m_lPanelCount Then
m_cmdFinishButton.Enabled = True
m_cmdNextButton.Enabled = False
End If

'-- Let the caller know we are finished.
RaiseEvent AfterNext(m_lCurrentPanelNbr)

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo m_cmdNextButton_Click_Exit
Select Case Err
'-- Add specific error cases here
'Case ...
Case Else:
  Err.Raise Err.Number, _
   "cWizardEngine::m_cmdNextButton_Click()", _
   Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, _
End Select
Resume m_cmdNextButton_Click_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub
Private Sub m_cmdPrevButton_Click()
'-- Display the previous panel.
On Error GoTo m_cmdPrevButton_Click_Error
m_aPanels(m_lCurrentPanelNbr - 1).Visible = True

'-- Hide the current panel.
m_aPanels(m_lCurrentPanelNbr).Visible = False

'-- Decrement the current Panel.
m_lCurrentPanelNbr = m_lCurrentPanelNbr - 1

'-- Enable the Next Button.
m_cmdNextButton.Enabled = True

'-- We are not on the last panel, so disable the
' Finish button.
If m_bFinishEnabledOnAllPanels = False Then
m_cmdFinishButton.Enabled = False
End If

'-- If we are on the first panel, disable the Prev button.
If m_lCurrentPanelNbr = 1 Then
m_cmdPrevButton.Enabled = False
End If

'-- Exit the procedure.
GoTo m_cmdPrevButton_Click_Exit
Select Case Err
'-- Add specific error cases here
'Case ...
Case Else:
  Err.Raise Err.Number, _
   "cWizardEngine::m_cmdPrevButton_Click()", _
   Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, _
End Select
Resume m_cmdPrevButton_Click_Exit
Resume 'For debugging purposes
End Sub

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 106 times




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